People’s Party congratulates farmers’ association of Lower Austria on the sensational election result in the Chamber of Agriculture election
Vienna (OTS) –

At today’s Chamber of Agriculture in Lower Austria, the farmers’ association was able to achieve an election result of impressive 82 percent. Chancellor and federal party chairman Christian Stocker: “I congratulate the Chamber of Agriculture President and top candidate Johannes Schmuckenschlager and the chairman of the Lower Austrian Farmers’ Association, LH-StV. Stephan Pernkopf, and all officials, members and the helpers of the Lower Austria farmers’ association for a clear first place in today’s Chamber of Agriculture. With the election result, they all impressively demonstrated that the farmers’ association of Lower Austria is and remains a strong voice for the farmers in the country. “

“8 out of 10 voters among the Lower Austrian farmers have chosen the farmers’ association today,” said ÖVP general secretary Nico Marchetti, and further: “This will continue to be the strong voice for the farmers in Lower Austria in the future. The Lower Austria Bauernbund stands for sustainable and future -oriented agriculture, from which we will all continue to benefit in the future. The Lower Austria Bauernbund has with LH-StV. Stephan Pernkopf and Chamber of Agriculture President Johannes Schmuckenschlager and a great election result in the back the best conditions to continue to ensure stable framework conditions for our rural family businesses. ”

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