People’s Party congratulates farmers’ association of Lower Austria on the sensational election result in the Chamber of Agriculture election

People’s Party congratulates farmers’ association of Lower Austria on the sensational election result in the Chamber of Agriculture election
Vienna (OTS) –

At today’s Chamber of Agriculture in Lower Austria, the farmers’ association was able to achieve an election result of impressive 82 percent. Chancellor and federal party chairman Christian Stocker: “I congratulate the Chamber of Agriculture President and top candidate Johannes Schmuckenschlager and the chairman of the Lower Austrian Farmers’ Association, LH-StV. Stephan Pernkopf, and all officials, members and the helpers of the Lower Austria farmers’ association for a clear first place in today’s Chamber of Agriculture. With the election result, they all impressively demonstrated that the farmers’ association of Lower Austria is and remains a strong voice for the farmers in the country. “

“8 out of 10 voters among the Lower Austrian farmers have chosen the farmers’ association today,” said ÖVP general secretary Nico Marchetti, and further: “This will continue to be the strong voice for the farmers in Lower Austria in the future. The Lower Austria Bauernbund stands for sustainable and future -oriented agriculture, from which we will all continue to benefit in the future. The Lower Austria Bauernbund has with LH-StV. Stephan Pernkopf and Chamber of Agriculture President Johannes Schmuckenschlager and a great election result in the back the best conditions to continue to ensure stable framework conditions for our rural family businesses. ”

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