Youth a world helps on site

Vienna (OTS) –

The day after the devastating earthquake in Myanmar, the situation in the country remains confusing. According to official information, the number of fatalities has increased to more than 1,000, the number of injuries is over 2,300. Another increase in the number of victims is predicted. The Austrian development organization youth A world started immediately after the earthquake and is in regular contact with their project partners on site. Above all, the two cities of Mandalay and Anisakan, each near the epicentrum with a thickness of 7.7, have been hit hard. “Many high -rise buildings, pagodas, mosques and churches have collapsed. People are still trapped in buildings or are caught under the ruins. In addition, the power supply is sometimes not given”reports Youth a world project partner Bosco Nyi NyiProvincial of the Salesian Don Bosco in Myanmar. “Unfortunately, our facilities in Mandalay and Anisakan, from the street children’s center, to classrooms to the bedrooms for children and adolescents seeking protection, have also not been spared from the earthquake. We have serious damage. Building parts fell to the ground. Fortunately, the walls and floors have been seriously injured by us”says Bosco Nyi Nyi, who also speaks of a devastating picture on the streets. “Rubers, trees and wires lie scattered around, streets are torn open, access routes are blocked. I fear that the numbers of the injured and dead will continue to increase.”

Medical help, food and drinking water urgently needed
Together with the project partners on site, Jugend raises a world at the hour the need for urgent emergency aid measures. With Wolfgang Wedan, global emergency aid coordinator of youth a world, the Austrian development organization is at the side of an earthquake-experienced crisis manager. The Styrian coordinated three years ago, after the severe earthquake in Aleppo, the youth on site in Syria a world-Nothilfe measures. Before that, Wedan was in use in leading positions in leading positions in leading positions in leading positions in Algeria (2003), Morocco (2004), Indonesia (2009), Haiti (2010), Nepal (2015) and Ecuador (2016). Wedan was also asked as a crisis manager with his expertise as a crisis manager after the devastating tsunami, who scored Sri Lanka in 2004. “As with every catastrophe, the provision of medical aid as well as food packages and clean drinking water are now of particular urgency. Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in the world, even before the earthquake, the basic supply of the population has now been problematic. The situation has now been drained in the quake area. Subsequently, children in particular need opportunities for trauma. Also shown three years ago with the catastrophe in Aleppo, it is difficult to get out of your head without professional help “so Wedan.

Please help with your donation!
Youth A world managing director Reinhard Heierer therefore urges donations to donate. “People are traumatized by the heavy earthquake. Many are now on the street and have to sleep outdoors. There were several aftershocks last night. The needy population is scared. Thousands are before nothing. Our project partners do their best. But they are dependent on outside help. Please help with their donation!”appeals Heierer.

Youth a world urgently asks for donations:
Youth a world
IBAN: AT66 3600 0000 0002 4000
Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol
Online donations:
Password: earthquake Myanmar
Donations are tax deductible!

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | JEW

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