Younion-Kattnig: EU debt regulations must be exposed!

Younion-Kattnig: EU debt regulations must be exposed!
Vienna (OTS) –

In view of the geopolitical challenges and the latest decisions at EU level, Thomas Kattnig, member of the Federal Presidium in the Younion _, calls for the union, a comprehensive reform of the EU’s economic policy control. In particular, he requires a complete suspension of the applicable debt regulations of the stability and growth pact (SWP) in order to enable urgently needed public investments in the social infrastructure.

Thomas Kattnig: “We need more flexibility in public investments to ensure a sustainable European industrial policy, high -quality public services, security and defense as well as fair transitions in digital and green change. The current budget rules stand in the way of the necessary future investments and urgently need to be reformed. “

Public services as a backbone of security, climate protection and social cohesion

Kattnig underlines the central role of the European social model: “High-quality and affordable public services are not only a cornerstone of social justice, but also essential for European security and defense architecture, climate protection and economic competitiveness.” Investments in general interest infrastructures are therefore crucial to strengthen Europe’s resilience compared to crises.

More national autonomy for public services

In order to ensure effective and common good -oriented care, Member States must have freedom to shape their public services according to their own needs and traditions. At the same time, high standards in terms of quality, security, affordability and universal access must be guaranteed.

Social requirements for public funds and aid

Kattnig also calls for strict social conditions for public funding, state aid and support – especially in the area of ​​security and defense. “Public funds must be bound to high social standards to ensure high-quality jobs, better working conditions, collective bargaining and the unrestricted respect for employees: internal and trade union rights,” said Kattnig. At the same time, EU and national funds should be used to strengthen European industry and business in order to maintain high-quality jobs in Europe.

“Europe is at a turning point. The course for a fairer, more resistant and sustainable future can only be set with a courageous reform of budget and investment policy. It is high time to adapt the EU’s economic policy control mechanisms to the current challenges and no longer block future investments by outdated savings constraints, ”summarizes Kattnig.

Younion _ The existence union
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