The young economy in the Austria (WKÖ) Chamber of Commerce welcomes the current demands for a consistent reduction in bureaucracy. Likewise, the measure “Soko Bureaucratic Design” proposed by WKÖ General Secretary Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer is a long overdue step to relieve young entrepreneurs: to relieve young entrepreneurs and not to be sacked further as a business location.
More freedom and growth instead of over -regulation
“The bureaucracy backpack is far too heavy. What we need are simple, practical rules so that we can concentrate on the core business again. Because young entrepreneurs: Inside are not civil servants! ”Emphasizes Bettina Dorfer-Pauschwein, federal chairman of the young economy. An exuberant bureaucracy, long approval procedures and excessive reporting obligations not only brake existing companies, but also scare potential founders: inside.
Especially for young companies that want to act flexibly and innovatively, the current administrative effort is an immense burden. “Young companies in particular need entrepreneurial freedom. The current slip economy prevents new success stories from companies and their employees, ”adds Federal Managing Director Lukas Sprenger. The young economy therefore demands that these measures are not only announced, but also implemented quickly and consistently.
Relief of the business location by bureaucracy brake
With the increase in the small entrepreneur limit to 55,000 euros, an important demand from the young economy was implemented. But it takes more: faster permits, fewer reporting obligations and digital solutions instead of paper war. “It may not be that young entrepreneurs have to wait months for permits or struggle through unnecessary regulations. We are calling for a real bureaucracy brake that relieves the business location and thus facilitates start-ups, ”concludes Dorfer-Pauschwein. (PwK047/EB)
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