WWF warns of regressions in environmental policy

WWF warns of regressions in environmental policy
Vienna (OTS) –

On the occasion of the official start of coalition negotiations between the FPÖ and ÖVP, the nature conservation organization WWF warns of possible “massive regression” in environmental policy. “If you want to make Austria successful and crisis-proof in the long term, you have to pursue a serious environmental protection policy. A retro course, on the other hand, would have high follow-up costs for our common natural heritage and ultimately for all people in Austria,” says WWF program manager Hanna Simons. The WWF is therefore demanding that the two negotiating parties come up with a climate and nature conservation program that does justice to the current problems and corresponds to the current path to climate neutrality in 2040. At the same time, environmentally harmful subsidies worth billions should be eliminated.

Promote the exit from oil and gas

When it comes to climate protection, Austria has committed to meeting several EU goals by 2030. In order to stay on track, any future federal government must accelerate the phase-out of oil and gas and revive the building renovation offensive. “All of this is not only profitable for the environment, but also for the economy, because a lot is being invested here – combined with future-proof jobs. At the same time, Austria is becoming more independent of imported fossil fuels,” says WWF program manager Hanna Simons. The same applies to the strong expansion of public transport, which brings great benefits, particularly to rural areas.

Invest in nature conservation

The protection of biodiversity and the mandatory implementation of the EU Restoration Act require high priority. “The future federal government must develop a good plan together with the states. Otherwise we are sawing on our own branch. Intact nature is not only our best ally against the consequences of the climate crisis, but also provides our livelihoods such as clean water and fresh air,” says Hanna Simons. In order to counter-finance a nature conservation offensive, the WWF is particularly calling for the dismantling of environmentally harmful subsidies. According to WIFO, their volume is up to 5.7 billion euros per year, almost 60 percent of which is purely national. The actual volume is likely to be much higher due to a lack of country data and insufficiently recorded areas.

More soil protection for food and crisis security

A nationwide soil protection contract is particularly urgent. “In Austria, the equivalent of more than 80 square meters of valuable soil is lost every minute. This creates a double risk: on the one hand for our independent food supply, on the other hand for crisis protection and thus for the security of the country,” says WWF program manager Hanna Simons. The more ground is sealed, the greater the risk of extreme weather events, which tend to become more frequent and severe with the climate crisis. The future federal government should therefore present a strong soil protection chapter in order to curb the long-term average of around 12 hectares of land being eaten per day.

The current WWF recommendations for any future federal government are online on the WWF website available.


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