WWF presents over 50 demands to the future federal government

WWF presents over 50 demands to the future federal government

On the occasion of the National Council elections, the environmental protection organization WWF Austria has drawn up a program for the future federal government containing over 50 proposals. The most important demands include a large-scale nature conservation offensive, a strong climate protection law and the reduction of high levels of soil sealing. Further proposals aim to implement the biodiversity strategy, reduce energy consumption and halve food waste. “Politicians must better protect our environment at all levels so that Austria is positioned to be successful and crisis-proof in the long term. There is no way around it,” says Volker Hollenstein, Political Director at WWF.

The WWF therefore expects the future federal government to do so “ambitious, holistic program” against the coupled climate and biodiversity crisis. In addition, Austria should position itself as a pioneer in the implementation of the EU in all EU votes “Green Deal” position. “Binding goals and standards create planning security, promote innovation and efficient investments by the economy,” argues Volker Hollenstein from WWF. In general, the new coalition pact requires a good mix of clear rules, laws and funding so that the upcoming transformation can be implemented effectively and in a socially just manner.

Soil and Climate Protection Act required

When it comes to land consumption, the WWF is calling for a nationwide soil protection law with a binding upper limit and further criteria for space-saving spatial planning. “The severe erosion of land is one of the biggest environmental problems in the country. “The future coalition should therefore definitely anchor its own soil protection package in its work program,” says Volker Hollenstein from WWF. Also urgent are a strong climate protection law for the legally binding coordination of measures for climate neutrality in 2040, the binding phase-out of oil and gas heating and a comprehensive mobility transition.

In addition, the WWF is calling for the expansion of CO2 pricing, a socially fair climate bonus and the reduction of billions of euros in environmentally harmful subsidies, as Austria has currently promised to the EU Commission by 2030. “The future finance minister should present a binding reform plan this year. The necessary foundations have long been in place,” says Volker Hollenstein from the WWF.

Renaturation plan and biodiversity billion

The EU Renaturation Regulation requires good implementation. According to the WWF, Austria should focus on restoring intact rivers, moors and forests, for which it needs sufficient budget. “In connection with this, politicians must also secure and significantly increase the financing of the biodiversity fund in the long term. Intact nature is our best ally and a kind of life insurance for society as a whole,” argues Volker Hollenstein from the WWF. The investments triggered by a “biodiversity billion” would not only help the environment, but also create jobs and increase crisis security.

Reduce food waste

In addition, the WWF is calling for food waste to be halved by 2030. Currently, more than 1.2 million tons of avoidable food waste and losses are created in Austria every year – an average of around 135 kilos per capita. “There is an urgent need for more ambition and consistency, concrete binding reduction targets and measures for all sectors of the food chain,” says Volker Hollenstein, Political Director at WWF.

The WWF recommendations for the future federal government are online on the WWF website available. In addition, the environmental protection organization surveyed all parliamentary parties on ten selected demands and presented their answers in its own Party check classified.

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