World Biodiversity Day: Seize the opportunity – protect nature!  (EU Renaturation Regulation)

Biodiversity: valuable and worth protecting! The EU Renaturation Regulation protects our nature and should be supported by Austria with a clear YES.

Vienna (OTS) Biodiversity under pressure across Europe

Biodiversity – that is the diversity of living nature. Unfortunately, biodiversity is increasingly threatened. According to the European Parliament, 80% of the EU’s ecosystems are in poor condition. Habitat loss due to human intervention is one of the most important reasons for species decline and extinction. Examples such as extensive, monotonous land uses, straightened river courses, unnatural commercial and settlement areas or traffic routes that cut through entire landscapes put nature under pressure. The result – many species are threatened.

Seize the opportunity – protect nature!

In view of this situation, the… Vice President of the Ecosocial Forum Vienna, Andrea Schnattinger: Biodiversity is one of our most important sources of life. Protecting and restoring nature are tasks that affect us all. We humans are also part of nature. It’s time we understand this and act accordingly.” Many of our natural areas and natural resources are already in poor condition – including here in Austria, Schnattinger knows. She therefore sees an urgent need for action. For the biologist, neither our country nor our continent will be sustainable without resilient natural areas that can withstand the challenges of climate change. “Renaturation is on the one hand a necessity, but also an opportunity with many positive effects that go far beyond nature conservation. It brings back more healthy, livable and sustainable living space for people and nature.”said Schnattinger.

EU Restoration Regulation: Protection & Restoration

Around the World Biodiversity Day now move it EU Renaturation Regulation (EU Nature Resporation Law) ins Center of attention. The “Nature Restoration Regulation” was drawn up by the EU because more than 80% of the EU’s area is in poor ecological condition. At least 20% of the land and sea area should therefore be restored by 2030. The restoration of all ecosystems in need of restoration should be continued step by step until 2050. Such progress should be measured, for example, by the number of butterflies or the humus content of soil.

Bring renaturation measures many positive effects – not just for nature, but also for people. Renaturation measures can, for example

  • die biodiversity promote, give animals and plants important living space.
  • valuable contributions to safe harvests and food security afford.
  • to People’s health and well-being contribute by reducing pollution and preserving and increasing the recreational value of nature. Species-rich green spaces have been proven to be health-promoting.
  • die Quality of local soils and thus also have a positive impact on the quality of local food.
  • the counteract increasing flood risks and reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events and pest emergence.

According to calculations by the European Commission, the renaturation efforts will increase also economically positive impact. Positive effects on agricultural yields can sometimes also be expected, as pollinator services, soil quality, etc. improve. For Austria are in Protecting nature also offers many valuable opportunities. On the one hand, our country’s tourism is based on the beauty of nature and landscape. On the other hand, Austrian agriculture, with its long tradition and high organic content, has excellent starting conditions and valuable experience to develop Austrian food production even more in harmony with nature in the future. Renaturation can therefore be seen as: Eco-social win-win-win situation be seen.

Austria asked

The European Parliament has to be in February a clear “yes” to renaturation given. Now the advice is the Environment ministers on the move, which still has to accept the agreement. There is currently an unusual situation here: since nature conservation is a state matter in Austria, the Austrian state governors come into play. So far it has Austria included in the votes in Brussels. But now it’s our vote that counts!

For this reason, the state governors of Vienna and Carinthia have made an important push and called for the ordinance to be adopted. From well-known organizations such as environmental umbrella organization, WWF and Nature Conservation Association as well as from numerous scientists – including the biodiversity researcher and Scientist of the Year 2022 Franz Essl – there are clear appeals for the importance of the regulation.

Also the Vice President of the Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe, Josef Taucheremphasizes the importance of the agreement: “The biodiversity crisis needs just as much attention as the climate crisis. It is therefore our collective responsibility to ensure that we secure and protect biological diversity.” For divers you need one A clear “yes” from Austria to renaturation – as well as one Coordination by the federal government & support by the states in the implementation of this important regulation. He therefore appeals to the black-green federal government: “Now the appropriate framework conditions for the implementation of the EU renaturation regulation must be created and the countries supported.”

Nature in Vienna

The metropolis of Vienna also has a lot to offer in terms of natural areas, nature conservation and biodiversity. Vienna’s green spaces are home to numerous plants and animals. The challenge for the growing city is to To reconcile nature conservation and biodiversity promotion with urban development and urban growth. Vienna is therefore constantly implementing a wide variety of measures to promote biodiversity:

  • Vienna Forest and Meadow Charter with a comprehensive package of measures
  • Green space development model in the Vienna Urban Development Plan (STEP25)
  • National Park, Biosphere Park and Regional Park in the urban area – together with Lower Austria
  • Organic farming of 32,000 hectares Quellschutzwälder outside the city limits
  • Renaturation of the Liesingbach, for example and “Get Out of Asphalt” initiative.
  • New parks and green spaces such as the Free Center, the Zilkpark, the Park of Biodiversity, etc.
  • Vienna strategy for pesticide minimization
  • Natural meadow management through grazing
  • around 2000 hectares urban organic farming
  • Small-scale biodiversity measures such as Network Nature, “Natural Green Oasis” award or distribution campaign for flowering plants
  • awareness raising through initiatives and organizations such as environmental advice, Local Agenda 21, gb*, Gardens in Vienna and many more.

Other federal states are also doing well and can demonstrate excellent initiatives – from nature parks and national parks to advisory programs. However, there are problem areas – for example excessive soil sealing. The President of the Ecosocial Forum Vienna, Hans Sailerstates: “Faced with a challenge like the biodiversity crisis, the eco-social response can only be to work together and jointly counteract species extinction and habitat loss. We only have one Austria and it is important to protect and preserve its beautiful, valuable nature for future generations.” Sailer now needs one a clear yes to renaturation and cooperation between the federal and state governments to take advantage of this opportunity. “The long, successful collaboration between Vienna and Lower Austria on the Vienna Woods Biosphere Park and the Donau-Auen National Park proves that joint nature conservation activities can be very successful.”Sailer concluded.


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At. René Hartinger, MBA
Secretary General
0699 / 1010 9119

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