WKÖ-Kühnel: Universities of applied sciences are innovative places for future skills

Business welcomes an increase in university places and a focus on MINT, digitalization and sustainability.

Vienna (OTS) In the 30 years of their existence, the universities of applied sciences have become an indispensable player in Austria’s education system: “Here – based on the needs of the economy – precisely those practical professional skills at an academic level that are urgently needed are trained in a targeted manner. This means that the universities of applied sciences are a decisive lever in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers and that is why we are very pleased about the increase in the number of university places,” says Mariana Kühnel, deputy. Secretary General of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ).

The decision by Education Minister Martin Polaschek that 800 additional places will be available for FH first-year students in this third expansion step – that is 100 more than previously planned – is completely welcomed from the business perspective. This record expansion takes into account both the great importance of technical colleges and the pressing shortage of skilled workers.

The increase in study places was announced on Tuesday in a press conference with Ulrike Prommer, President of the Austrian University of Applied Sciences Conference (FHK). This expansion will implement some key points that the social partners had advocated for in a joint demand paper.

These include particularly innovative courses such as AI Solution Engineering (Burgenland), personalized technical medicine (Upper Austria), climate-conscious building technology (FH Technikum Wien) or Responsible AI Systems (Krems). “Here, top specialists are trained for dynamic new professional fields and equipped with exactly those future skills that will be needed for the jobs of the future,” says Kühnel happily. Further expansion plans specifically address the need for highly trained specialists in shortage occupations, such as in the areas of social work, sign language interpreting or ophthalmology.

“These focal points show how quickly and how innovatively the universities of applied sciences are reacting in order to train the future skills that we urgently need in Austria: today and even more in the future,” says Kühnel. The digital and ecological transformation brings with it a high demand for digital skills and green skills. “Anyone who chooses this training is choosing a trampoline for their professional career with the best future options.” (PWK278/HSP)

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