WK Vienna: One in five Viennese prefers to stay at home on vacation

WK Vienna: One in five Viennese prefers to stay at home on vacation

Vienna is very popular with its own residents – even during the holiday season, two thirds of Viennese enjoy what their hometown has to offer, as the new study on the topic of staycation by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and SME Research Austria shows. “Their own four walls are the most popular holiday home for Viennese people,” says Markus Grießler, chairman of the tourism and leisure sector at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

Where are the Viennese headed in the summer of 2024?

On average, Viennese people (aged 18 and over) take 15 days of vacation this summer. A third spend their vacation entirely outside the city limits, 47 percent would like to spend a few days at home in addition to their vacation outside. When asked whether they would leave, almost a fifth (20%) answered no – a reduction of 8 percentage points compared to the previous year. The 47 percent who spend part of their summer vacation outside Vienna and the other part in their own city spend 5 vacation days of their 15 vacation days in Vienna.

Of those who leave Vienna for their vacation, 55 percent of the time travel to another Austrian federal state. Slightly fewer (47%) say they are going to the Mediterranean. Long-distance destinations outside of Europe are planned by 13 percent of Viennese. 7 percent say they travel to other countries such as Germany or Hungary.

Leisure time in Vienna – what we do

The leisure activities of Viennese people during the summer months were also surveyed for this study. For almost two thirds (65%), meeting with friends or family is the top priority this summer; more than every second person (52%) lists “food and culinary delights” as an activity. In 46 percent of cases, parks and gardens such as Schönbrunn Palace Park are visited, and almost as many (43%) use nature for hikes. Visits to bar gardens and outdoor swimming pools are also on the summer program for 41%, followed by visits to wine taverns (37%).

“So we see that the opportunities that Vienna offers are being very well received. And that leisure time is not just sport or spending time in the fresh air, but that Viennese gastronomy establishments have also taken on a permanent place in the plans of the Viennese. The bar gardens in particular are an important part of life in our city,” says Grießler.

How do the Viennese cool down in the heat?

During the summer heat periods in the city, 58 percent of those surveyed primarily use the morning and evening hours to get out of the house, and 41 percent buy ice cream. In more than one in three cases (35%), outdoor pools such as the Gänsehäufel or the Krapfenwaldlbad are visited. A good one in five (22%) has air conditioning and stays at home; at 21 percent, almost as many cool down in museums, libraries, cinemas or other air-conditioned places. The cooling zones offered by the City of Vienna are used by at least 12 percent. The 10 percent who ticked “other” often mention private pools, and they often try to stay within their own four walls as much as possible, even without air conditioning.

How do you avoid the daily grind during a staycation?

If you stay at home (also) for your summer vacation, there is a risk that you will quickly fall into the daily grind. For this reason, the present survey asked how the Viennese are trying to prevent this. For 61 percent, the method of choice is to take more time for their own hobbies; around four out of ten people (41%) also consciously ignore work and are hardly or not at all available during that time. 34% each visit places and sights they have never seen before or try to avoid normal household activities. Around a quarter (24%) consume less news or social media and prefer to focus on the good things in life. A massage, a sauna or a visit to a restaurant of their choice are on the agenda for around 18 percent of those who responded. Among the 8 percent of “other” answers there are suggestions such as living consciously in the day, being more calm or spending time with your own pets.

The most important sources of information

When asked which information channels people use to find out more about Vienna’s leisure activities, the Internet is by far the most frequently mentioned, with 77 percent of the answers. In second place is the personal environment (friends, family) at 45 percent, and a good third (34%) get information from newspapers and/or magazines. Social media (such as Instagram) accounts for around 30 percent of the answers, while television and radio also play an important role for one in five people.

WIFO: “Vienna offers a lot – even in international comparison”

“The results of this study reflect the experience we have,” confirms WIFO expert Oliver Fritz: “If we look at the various surveys that give Vienna one of the highest quality of life in the world, then it is logical that Vienna too is a holiday alternative for the Viennese”. The city has developed enormously, especially in terms of leisure activities, and offers many recreational opportunities for locals and guests – even by international standards. For example, sports offerings were mentioned by those surveyed, as was the cultural diversity from theater, opera to museums. Fritz: “The large number of people who both go away and spend their vacation time in Vienna shows that Vienna can keep up with other offers and offers the advantage that there are no additional costs for travel and accommodation. The bottom line is that you get more holiday experience for your own holiday budget.”


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