With blood tests for top sporting performance

Blood gives us interesting insights into physical health. With the blood test, MavieMe Fitness Check, you can optimize sporting performance and improve your blood count.

Self-tests are a great way to focus more on your health and also save time in times of a shortage of doctors etc. With test kits like the MavieMe Fitness Check you can clarify “whether something needs my attention or whether I think so based on the results Lifestyle should be reconsidered, especially if I want to be physically active or feel fitter.

Dr. David Hauer, emergency physician and specialist in intensive care medicine

Vienna (OTS) Physical activity not only affects our well-being, but also our health in many ways. More and more people are therefore paying attention to their physical fitness. But what if the desired results don’t happen? The physical improvements not occurring? Fatigue, joint pain or headaches keeping you from training? Sub-optimal blood values ​​can often be the cause. If you want to improve your sporting performance, it is good to know your blood values. MavieMe’s Fitness Check helps with this, allowing you to take a comprehensive inventory of your body and test individual blood values ​​that are tailored to your personal fitness journey. The test provides information about current health status and provides insights into what steps can be taken to achieve personal fitness and health goals.

The key to health lies in the blood

Get information about your body’s health status with a blood test. Sounds complicated? But it is not. The MavieMe Fitness Check determines the most important blood values ​​quickly and easily and provides helpful tips for improving physical health. Dr. David Hauer, emergency medicine physician and specialist in intensive care medicine, sees such home tests as a good addition to medical check-ups: “Self-tests are a great way to focus more on your health and also save time in times of a shortage of doctors etc. With test kits like the MavieMe Fitness Check you can clarify “whether something needs my attention or whether I think so based on the results Lifestyle should be reconsidered, especially if I want to be physically active or feel fitter.

But which blood values ​​are actually important and what should you pay attention to?

The fitness check provides, among other things, information about the iron content of the body. Iron is a vital mineral needed for the formation of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Adequate iron levels are important for the oxygenation of the body and the normal functioning of organs and tissues. If the iron content is too low, this becomes noticeable in the form of tiredness, headaches or a general feeling of weakness. The vitamin D content is also important: this is a vitamin that we produce through exposure to sunlight and absorb from food. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from food, maintain calcium levels in bones and teeth, and regulate calcium excretion through the kidneys. Vitamin D also plays a role in nerve and muscle function, which can also affect energy levels. In addition, small amounts of a protein called C-reactive protein (CRP) are measured. If the blood vessels are damaged, the hsCRP level is increased. By measuring this protein, the risk of cardiovascular disease (e.g. stroke) can be determined. Furthermore, the magnesium, electrolyte and testosterone balance are part of the evaluation and provide insight into the function and performance of the muscles or fluid regulation in the body. The complete blood count is also collected as part of the MavieMe Fitness Check. A complete blood count examines the three main cell types in the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. For optimal health, all three cell types must be present in the right quantities and functioning correctly.

Training control made easy

And why do I need to know my blood values ​​in order to get started in sports? Exercise has far-reaching effects that go beyond simply strengthening muscles. It influences various parameters in the blood, such as the number of red blood cells. However, if deficiency symptoms occur in the blood, this can affect personal performance. The MavieMe Fitness Check helps to identify these deficiencies and provides valuable information and tips to counteract them. In this way, personal goals can be achieved and top sporting performance achieved while at the same time having a positive influence on health and blood. MavieMe therefore offers the tools to improve health in the long term. The blood test can be easily carried out online via the MavieMe website ( be ordered. The blood sample can be taken at home and then returned by post with the enclosed return package, without the need to visit a doctor. All relevant blood values ​​that are necessary to improve health or maintain it at a high level are analyzed. Before the analysis, there is a short survey about your current fitness level and personal goals. The results of the test are delivered within a few days. Based on the individual results, you receive a detailed medical report and concrete recommendations for action to improve your blood values ​​and achieve your set goals. And all of this without having to spend the time and money of a visit to the doctor.

Simply take precautions from home – with MavieMe

MavieMe enables professional analyzes of the blood and intestinal microbiome from home – a quantum leap in prevention and early detection. MavieMe follows a goal-oriented approach. Whether it’s about taking your fitness to a new level, gaining more energy for the day, achieving your desired weight or just making sure you stay healthy in the long term – the company offers tailor-made test packages to help. With at-home blood and microbiome tests, MavieMe makes testing a quick and easy experience. There are currently five blood tests for specific goals such as weight management, fitness or energy management, as well as the option to put together personalized blood tests with desired parameters. In addition, MavieMe offers gut microbiome testing. You can easily order all tests at The costs for tests vary between 30 euros and 178 euros. You can usually get results for blood tests within five working days, while for microbiome tests you can expect around three weeks. For the analysis, MavieMe relies on partners and certified medical laboratories that use the most modern technologies. MavieMe works with its own network of doctors for medical reports. MavieMe is an offer from Mavie Next.

Questions & Contact:

Verena Figl
Metrum Communications GmbH
M +43/664/9648124
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