#wine.landscape: €250,000 for nature conservation in Austria’s wine-growing regions

The new program focus of the BILLA Foundation Blühendes Österreich starts on June 11, 2024.

Vienna (OTS) With its current focus, Blühendes Österreich focuses on strengthening biodiversity in Austria’s wine-growing regions. Blooming Austria finances selected projects with a cooperative approach that operate at the interface between viticulture, nature conservation and landscape management. The supported projects will make a measurable contribution to species and biotope protection. The Vienna-based company Henkel is providing co-financing of €12,500.

Austria’s wine-growing regions shape their identity and landscape. Both the vineyards and the interlocking landscape structures can be valued in terms of nature conservation and are botanically and zoologically important habitats. In some cases, many wine-growing areas are located within protected areas, such as national parks, nature parks and European protected areas. The maximum four supported project partners receive funding of up to €40,000, experts are provided and are invited to a joint workshop for project development.

The project partners

Land Creates Life is a partner and integrated as a jury member with founder Hannes Royer. You will support the selected projects with communication and public relations work. The ARGE Farmers’ Women Austria and CEOs FOR FUTURE have nominated jury members and are also supporting communication. The Research Institute for Organic Agriculture, FiBL Austria, was recruited to provide agricultural and nature conservation support.

Cross-sector and interdisciplinary jury

The heart of the initiative is a volunteer jury. The renowned members come from the areas of nature conservation, business & top management and politics as well as non-profit organizations, trade and agriculture. With four winemakers, viticulture and agriculture are strongly integrated.

Jury member Christine Riepl, a winemaker from Gols and a regional farmer in Burgenland, who is a member of the jury, emphasizes that “the ARGE farmers particularly welcome the bridging between viticulture, agriculture and nature conservation. The cooperative approach is important for communication at eye level.”

Birgit Rechberger-Krammer, President of Henkel in Austria and also a jury member, “wants to use the support to make Henkel visible as a regional partner for sustainable development and nature conservation. I am proud that Henkel has been a cooperation partner of Blühendes Österreich for the third year in a row.”

This is also emphasized by Herbert Bauer, General Manager of the beverage manufacturer Coca-Cola HBC Austria, which produces in Burgenland, and a member of CEOs FOR FUTURE: “Collaboration at eye level between NGOs, politics, companies and agriculture is the basis for the sustainable development of our country. This particularly includes the protection of biodiversity. As a locally active company, we are committed to their preservation – and now also as a jury member for #wein.landschaft.”

Hannes Royer, founder of Land Creates Life, affirms: “Agriculture, living space and careful treatment of nature are inextricably linked. Making people aware of connections like these is one of our goals at Land Creates Life. I am all the more pleased to be able to support the #wein.landschaft project, which focuses on the care and preservation of our habitat through agriculture.”

BILLA board member and board member of Blühendes Österreich, Robert Nagele, explains: BILLA is committed to sustainable food production and healthy foods. With #wein.landschaft, our Blooming Austria Foundation enables winegrowers and nature conservation initiatives to implement innovative projects in the wine-growing sector and thus makes a significant contribution to maintaining and increasing biodiversity in Austria. I would like to thank all partners for their cooperation and support.”

Hectare/area-effective projects as a target group

We are looking for regional projects and cross-company collaborations with an area impact that improve and preserve the wine-growing landscape as a habitat. These can be projects to maintain and create new structures such as dry stone walls and piles of stones or to replant edge structures such as hedges, rainforests or fruit trees. Investments to extensify vineyards and surrounding open areas as well as investments to secure and improve the agricultural use and added value of wine-growing landscapes can be submitted. Project submissions are possible until September 12, 2024.

Biodiversity in extensive agriculture

The biological diversity in wine-growing landscapes thrives on structural wealth. Dry, hot vineyards provide a habitat for special fauna and flora. Greenery in vineyard alleys, verges and open spaces is a source of food and living space for animals living in vineyards. Extensive management and close integration with other traditional habitat types and structures ensure a particular diversity of species.

Questions & Contact:

Maria Anna Duda, Head of Communications for Blooming Austria, Tel. +43 676 711 74 50, m.duda@bluehendesoesterreich.at

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