Wiener Stadtwerke on RH report: Industry standard commercial transactions confirmed

Wiener Stadtwerke on RH report: Industry standard commercial transactions confirmed

Liquidity and risk management adapted to new circumstances

Vienna (OTS) Wiener Stadtwerke General Director Peter Weinelt sees the report published today by the Austrian Court of Auditors on Wien Energie as confirmation of the internal and external audits: “Wien Energie did not speculate and acted in the interest of security of supply. The extent of the price distortions could not be foreseen“, says the general director of Wiener Stadtwerke, Peter Weinelt. And further: “Following the example of other European countries, we have advocated for a nationwide protective shield. At the same time, we adapted and reorganized liquidity risk management to the new circumstances.

Wiener Stadtwerke was able to maintain security of supply at all times during the volatile situation on the European energy market. The Director General concluded: “We are happy to take up the analysis and recommendations of the Court of Auditors and have already largely implemented them.

Questions & Contact:

Wiener Stadtwerke GmbH
Mag. Thomas Geiblinger
Group press spokesman
+43 (01) 53 123 / 73953

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