Wiener Netze: We make Christmas bright and warm!

Wiener Netze: We make Christmas bright and warm!

150 Wiener Netze employees keep Vienna running at Christmas and New Year’s Eve: the emergency gas, electricity and district heating teams are on duty around the clock!

Vienna (OTS) A total of 29,300 kilometers of electricity, gas and district heating pipes must be kept running at Christmas and New Year’s Eve. On the holidays, around 150 Wiener Netze employees are on duty even when everyone else is celebrating or sleeping.

“Thank you to everyone who keeps the city running 24/7!”

“The Wiener Netze employees are available around the clock all year round to ensure that we all have light and warmth at home and so that Vienna functions! Operations at night and on public holidays to ensure that everything runs smoothly often go unnoticed and are a given for many people. Thank you to everyone who, in the background and often without much applause, ensures that energy always flows in the city’s lifelines,” said Peter Hanke, City Councilor for Finance, Economics, Labor, International Affairs and Wiener Stadtwerke.

“For me, Christmas service is not a problem because I don’t have any children. I’ve swapped with colleagues every now and then because of this,” explains Martin Hrdlicka, who is on duty in the medium-voltage level at Christmas this year. “I am responsible for coordinating the electricity operations teams for the low, medium and high voltage levels. If a disruption occurs, I will send out the emergency teams and together we will ensure that everyone has power again as quickly as possible,” says Hrdlicka.

Secure the supply!

The colleagues in the high-pressure gas control room also look forward to the holidays calmly: “Christmas is a job like any other,” says Christopher Herfert. “We control the entire high-pressure gas network in Vienna and the surrounding area in the control room. “We hardly notice what’s going on outside here,” says Herfert. This is different for our colleagues in the gas emergency call service. When there is a lot going on on the streets of Vienna, reports of the smell of gas are more common. If in doubt, it is always correct to call the gas emergency number 128. Teams of experts from Wiener Netze are then quickly on the scene and can take security measures or give the all-clear. In the event of a power outage, a look at the Wiener Netze website will help: Here Current faults are displayed.

A total of 150 employees work on public holidays to ensure that all customers in Vienna and the surrounding area are well and reliably supplied with electricity, gas and district heating.

Fotolink: Copyright ©Wiener Netze

Vienna networks:

The Wiener Netze is Austria’s largest combined network operator – they bring electricity, gas, district heating and telecommunications to where they are needed. Investments of more than 300 million euros per year go into maintaining and expanding the networks. More than 2 million customers in Vienna, parts of Lower Austria and Burgenland benefit from the highest quality of care.

Questions & Contact:

Corporate communications Vienna networks
Phone: +43 50 128 – 90 030

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