Where there is crisis, there is also help

Where there is crisis, there is also help

Caritas Steiermark presents its 2023 impact report

Graz (OTS) Ongoing inflation, plus disasters at home and abroad: Caritas Steiermark looked back on a challenging year 2023 on Friday morning when presenting the 2023 impact report. “Quick action, spontaneity and flexibility were required more than once,” summed up director Nora Tödtling-Musenbichler. But: “Where there is crisis, there is also help.”

With a high level of commitment from employees, from care to emergency aid, as well as the active support of volunteers, we managed to get through an eventful year well. People’s willingness to help is encouraging: “The large solidarity network of humanity is taking effect”said Tödtling-Musenbichler.

2,950 employees and 2,400 volunteers

Employees were required in many places, from international and domestic disaster relief to advice and support in difficult life situations to the development of new solution concepts. “We help where it is necessary – short-term, spontaneous, acute, but also long-term and sustainable,” emphasized Tödtling-Musenbichler. “2,950 full-time employees and around 2,400 volunteers demonstrated this in numerous hours of service, personal conversations and encounters in 2023.”

Inflation is also noticeable for Caritas as an organization

But Caritas as an organization has not been spared from the consequences of inflation and the difficult situation on the labor market: Nor

The donation volume amounted to 14.6 million euros and, despite a slight decrease of 300,000 euros compared to the previous year, remained at a stable but high level. “This shows how solidarity Styrians are with their fellow human beings in times of crisis,” emphasized the director.

Appeal: Adjust subsidies to inflation

The higher demands for help were also reflected in the results, explained the deputy director Petra Prattes. In 2023, the financial volume totaled 134.2 million euros, around 13 million euros more than in 2022. Of this, 20 million euros came from public subsidies and grants as well as church contributions. Caritas received almost half of the income, namely 77.6 million euros, as compensation for services from public funds, and a further 19.7 million euros as compensation for services from private contributions.

Prattes combined her thanks to funding agencies and institutions that have acted as partners for years with an appeal to adapt benefits, daily rates and subsidies to inflation: “Tasks that we carry out on behalf of the federal and state governments, among others, must be financed to cover our costs, as it is not possible for us to make up the difference with donations. Our donors also notice the increase in prices in their own wallets, so sufficient financing must be guaranteed.

Questioning poverty promotes the exclusion of marginalized groups

vice director Erich Hohl affirmed: “Our advice centers and offers of help always have their hands full.” Almost 200 families were supported in flood relief in Styria, and advice on securing livelihoods increased by 50 percent compared to the previous year. If it is repeatedly denied that poverty and need actually exists, it hurts just as much as the numbers themselves, said Deputy Director Hohl. “As Caritas, we have a different idea of ​​good, respectful coexistence,” emphasized Hohl: “We stand for a society that cares for one another and takes responsibility for one another.”

Further information and photos:

An online version of the impact report as well as further information from Caritas about its year 2023 can be found here:

You can find photo material here (© Caritas):

Questions & Contact:

Caritas Diocese of Graz-Seckau
Christian Diver
Head of Communications and Fundraising
0676 88015 242

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