Movement is healthy, clear. But what about the 10.000 Wed on itself that supposedly you should travel a day? Is this step really like that Relevant for fitness? Why do fewer steps bring, explains that Health magazine “Pharmacies Umschau”.
Even a small plus of movement is worth it
The idea with the 10,000 steps originally comes from Japan. A fitness company brought the first on the occasion of the 1964 Olympic Games mobile pedometer At the time, the manufacturer stated this to the market as particularly healthy, but without providing scientific studies. The arbitrarily defined border was later made by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarded as a general recommendation. In recent years, however, many studies have questioned the step rule.
It doesn’t have to be 10,000 steps a day, but every step more that you take is good for health, say sports doctors and general practitioners. In fact, an investigation of 2023 with data from almost 227,000 people showed: Even with almost 4,000 steps, you apparently reduce the risk of early death. Already a small plus to the previous one Pensity According to the study: 500 steps more pays for the risk of mortality by seven percent, 1,000 or more steps even 15 percent. The effect is all the greater for people who have so far been on their feet.
Movement regardless of stepping number
On five days a week a moderate way for 30 to 60 minutes: this advises the WHO, i.e. at least 150 minutes of sport per week. By the way, that’s Regardless of the number of stepssay sports doctors. In general, it does not matter what type of movement is practiced. Every physical activity has a positive effect on the lifespan. Basic rule: Always increase the duration of the training, then the intensity.
This message is only available for publication with the source. The health magazine “Pharmacies Umschau” 3a/2025 is currently also available in most pharmacies in Austria. There are many other interesting health news as well as on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
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