War in Ukraine: Bishop Chalupka calls for prayer

Evangelical bishop calls for integration prospects for people displaced from Ukraine – “After two years, we need a springboard into the job market and no obstacles”

Vienna (OTS) Before the second anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Evangelical Lutheran Bishop Michael Chalupka called for prayer. “I invite the Protestant parishes in Austria to join in the prayer of the Protestant pastors in Ukraine.”said the bishop to the Evangelical Press Service.

“Our Father, who is full of love, we call to you today. After two years of grueling war that brings destruction and death every day, we feel exhausted. The voice of our call sounds quieter, but all the more confident: We know that you hear us,” says this prayer that the pastors of Ukraine recently formulated at the parish convention in Odessa. The general secretary of the Evangelical Churches in Europe, Mario Fischer, who made a solidarity visit to the Lutheran Church of Ukraine, also took part in the parish convention.

“It is important to include the voices of the people and believers in Ukraine here,” emphasizes Bishop Chalupka. He will also say this prayer at the ecumenical peace prayer on Saturday in St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn was invited to the peace prayer, which begins on Saturday at 5 p.m. In addition to the cardinal and the Evangelical Lutheran bishop, the papal envoy to Austria, nuncio Archbishop Pedro Lopez, the Armenian apostolic bishop and chairman of the World Council of Churches in Austria, Tiran Petrosyan, the Greek Orthodox metropolitan and chairman, will also take part in the prayer of the Orthodox Bishops’ Conference in Austria, Arsenios Kardamakis and Chorepiskopus Emanuel Aydin from the Syrian Orthodox Church. Several representatives from politics and diplomacy are also expected to attend the peace prayer.

“After two years, it is more urgent than ever to help the people affected by the war and not to lose consciousness of the conflict and suffering.”explains Bishop Chalupka and refers to the commitment of Diakonie Disaster Aid on site. “Help and pray. We can do that in Austria”says Chalupka. The government is also called upon to “finally show, after two years, a real integration perspective” to the Ukrainians who have found refuge in Austria. It is “urgently necessary” that the people expelled from Ukraine in Austria “are treated the same as recognized refugees and no longer have to remain in the basic care system,” demands the bishop and emphasizes: “After two years, you need a stepping stone into the job market and no obstacles.”

Diakonie Catastrophe Aid urgently asks for donations for local help:

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Donation password: Ukraine emergency aid

Online: www.diakonie.at/ukraine-nothilfe-spenden

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