Wahlqual 2025 – help, who should I choose?

Wahlqual 2025 – help, who should I choose?

Typical SPD: Optimistic in defeat. Lafontaine, Scharping and Schröder were delighted in 1994 about a federal election that they had lost to Helmut Kohl.

Photo: Imago/Sepp Spiegl

I am a duty -conscious citizen. I have never skipped a choice. Even if it was only about the local mayor (i.e. the Grüßaugust, who presents bouquets of flowers in the district on round birthdays), I hurried to the polling station. And in local elections, I placed conscientiously through kilometers -long candidate lists – the 60 crosses wanted to be distributed well.

The supreme discipline was the Bundestag election. My grandpa had already contributed to the fact that “freedom instead of socialism” prevailed in the Federal Republic (CDU, 1976). Later it was in my hand whether the Chancellor only made “much better” (SPD, 1998) or “World Class for Germany” (CDU, 1998).

Sometimes the decision was easy. For example 1987. In the elephant round before the Bundestag election, the aggressive Jutta Ditfurth (Greens) was so desolate with the choleric Franz-Josef Strauß (CSU) that he was about to have a heart attack. Of course I chose green afterwards – I never experienced better political entertainment.

But as a rule, the decision -making process was less electrifying. When Rudolf Scharping wanted to become Chancellor in 1994, I chose Helmut Kohl from Schierer despair. It was also a cross with the cross in 2021. To prevent an Aachen carnival prince who does not know how to behave on funerals, I even accepted Olaf Scholz. So I tested my own pain limits.

These are exceeded in 2025. The SPD may lead to a compulsory election campaign, but no campaign in the world will be able to avert the approaching disaster. I am already curious to see how the SPD tries to talk its deserved election debacle. You will probably be completely passed on to Olaf Scholz. The always absent -acting chancellor, who ran a policy of sleepy hands for three years, releases the ideal scapegoat.

It is still unfair. Because the self -destruction of the SPD is a community work. Votervergel officials such as Saskia Esken and Ralf Stegner ensure that more and more people answer the question of the selectability of the SPD with “Never again!”

Such needs are foreign to the Greens. Her voters are practiced in long -lasting and tolerance. You have accepted that a Pacific Link Party has become a bellicist-economic-friendly. But as long as the Greens on the hygelty credo “create two, three, many Bullerbüs!”, Hold their electorate even over the spiritual misconception of a Claudia Roth, which does not recognize an anti -Semite even when he stands in front of her. It is unimaginable that this party was the political home of intellectual heavyweights like Thomas Ebermann and Rainer Trampert. And there is no Jutta Ditfurth in sight far and wide.

The traditional bourgeois parties also suffer from charisma and competence loss. Anyone who grew up with rhetorical fireworks such as Heiner Geißler and Franz-Josef Strauß will become depressed in view of the current top staff. If Friedrich Merz and Markus Söder should be the best thing that CDU/CSU currently have to offer in politicians, you have to seriously worry about the state of the Union.

The former ally, the FDP, does not have to hope for my voice either. What Jürgen Möllemann started and Guido Westerwelle continued, Christian Lindner has completed: the self -explanation of liberalism through arbitrariness. Empty content has never bothered the typical FDP voter for decades, but since the economy crisis, the FDP clientele questions the political work of its party in the government. Stupid if you only think of the debt brake.

The Left Party no longer fights against the downfall after it has beaten up like a drowning game. However, their more aggressive, unusually class -fighting election campaign makes you only more painful to you, which the chronically employed leftist has not been the chronic one: a real alternative to the other parties.

And the “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht – reason and justice” is already exposed in the name. Anyone who knows Oskar Lafontaine by his side – the political terminator who first shredded the SPD and then the left party – should avoid the word “reason”. “Destructivity” is better.

It’s howl. Earlier elections gave you the hope that in the worst case there was at least a so -called smaller evil. Compared to Stoiber, even Schröder looked okay. And if you Satthaatt, you could choose the old white men (Steinmeier, Steinbrück, Trittin, Bartsch). So the German democracy lived from belief in acceptable options.

This belief has broken in recent years. If the construction of houses had worked as well as that of complicated bureaucratic structures (if they apply for money to an authority that they are entitled to), the housing shortage in Germany would be eliminated. The situation in kindergartens, schools and youth welfare offices has also intensified. There is a lack of teachers, teachers and social educators. And who claims that there would be “with certainty stable pensions” (SPD, 2025), is silent that the net level level has fallen from 60 to 48 percent since 1977. This turns from 1200 euros in old -age money 960 euros – a difference that you can see when shopping.

No party likes to talk about this collective failure. The fact that, as in Trier, a complete 70s university is ready for demolition because there was no money in their preservation, and that the emergency service has become normal in many daycare centers are not election campaign issues. You’d better dispry migration and fire walls – and in this way it becomes the best election worker in the AfD. Anyone who pursues the discussions in the social networks gives the impression that the nation belongs to the couch. The clever Heiner Geißler was right: “You can panic an entire people through fear of fear.”

This is how I am putting at a loss to look at the thrusting Sunday: “Who, please, should I choose?” And I scare about myself when the imagination goes through with me: “Scharping against Stoiber – that would be a gripping duel! “

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