Wahl24 on ORF: “The Confrontation” begins the series of TV duels with Babler – Kogler and Kickl – Meinl-Reisinger

Wahl24 on ORF: “The Confrontation” begins the series of TV duels with Babler – Kogler and Kickl – Meinl-Reisinger

Vienna (OTS) –

The election campaign is entering the intensive phase and brings the first highlight on ORF: According to the motto everyone against everyone, two TV duels will take place on a total of five evenings from September 5th to 23rd, 2024 (at 8:15 p.m. and 9:05 p.m. respectively p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON) of the top candidates of the parliamentary parties at the ORF media campus – each lasting around 50 minutes. Susanne Schnabl (“Report”) and Alexandra Maritza Wachter (“ZIB”) take turns leading the discussion. It starts on Thursday, September 5th, with the confrontations Andreas Babler – Werner Kogler and Herbert Kickl – Beate Meinl-Reisinger.

The conclusion and highlight of the entire election campaign will be the “Discussion of the Top Candidates” with Karl Nehammer, Andreas Babler, Herbert Kickl, Werner Kogler and Beate Meinl-Reisinger on the ORF 2 main evening on Thursday, September 26th. This so-called “elephant round” is led by Susanne Schnabl and Alexandra Maritza Wachter.

  • Thursday, September 5th: Babler – Kogler (8:15 p.m., mod.: Schnabl) and Kickl – Meinl-Reisinger (9:05 p.m., mod.: Wachter)
  • Tuesday, September 10th: Kickl – Kogler (8:15 p.m., mod.: Wachter) and Meinl-Reisinger – Nehammer (9:05 p.m., mod.: Schnabl)
  • Thursday, September 12th: Babler – Nehammer (8:15 p.m., mod.: Wachter) and Kogler – Meinl-Reisinger (9:05 p.m., mod.: Schnabl)
  • Monday, September 16th: Kogler – Nehammer (8:15 p.m., mod.: Wachter) and Babler – Kickl (9:05 p.m., mod.: Schnabl)
  • Monday, September 23rd: Babler – Meinl-Reisinger (8:15 p.m., mod.: Wachter) and Kickl – Nehammer (9:05 p.m., mod.: Schnabl)
  • Thursday, September 26th, 8:15 p.m.: Discussion of the top candidates (Mod.: Susanne Schnabl and Alexandra Maritza Wachter)

Analyzes of the duels in “ZIB 2” and in ORF III

Following the “TV Confrontations” on ORF 2, the first analyzes with political experts and journalists will follow at 10 p.m. on ORF 2 in “ZIB 2”. Thomas Hofer will be a guest at “ZIB 2” on September 5th and 16th, Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle on September 10th and 23rd, and Peter Filzmaier on September 12th. Peter Filzmaier and Eva Linsinger analyze the “Elephant Round” on September 26th.

In “ORF III AKTUELL Spezial” editions at 10:35 p.m., the central statements and content of domestic policy experts and observers are analyzed live in the ORF III studio with Theresa Kulovits, Reiner Reitsamer and Alexandra Nöbauer. It starts on September 5th with Oliver Pink (Die Presse) and Katharina Mittelstaedt (Der Standard) as guests of Theresa Kulovits.

The TV confrontations on, ORF ON and on ORF TELETEXT

As part of the current overview reporting on the National Council election, and ORF ON are putting together a multimedia information package with streams of ORF programs, current stories and a special Wahl24 channel. The online reporting on the TV confrontations and the “Elephant Round” includes live streams and videos on demand (video collection on the National Council election on ORF ON), as well as stories with summaries, analyzes and reactions. ORF TELETEXT also provides detailed information about central statements and reactions in its Wahl24 focus in the domestic politics magazine.


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