W24 city barometer |  W24 – I’m there!, December 23, 2023

65% of Viennese spend Christmas with their family

Vienna (OTS) The city television W24 carried out the current W24 city barometer together with the IFDD – Institute for Demoscopy and Data Analysis under the leadership of Christoph Haselmayer.

Almost 2/3 of Viennese celebrate Christmas with their family. Another 1/4 also invite friends and only 5% of those eligible to vote in Vienna do not celebrate Christmas.

When it comes to their preferred main course at Christmas, the Viennese are very versatile. They are most likely to prefer fish. More than a quarter of Viennese have carp and the like on their Christmas plates, but raclette is also appreciated by Viennese people.

The majority of Viennese stay in the federal capital over the Christmas holidays, but 1/5 leave. Half of them go abroad, the rest go on vacation within Austria.

Almost 2/3 of Viennese already value sustainability when it comes to gifts. This is not an issue (yet) for only 35%.

Further exciting data can be found in the current W24 Christmas barometer:

What is your favorite main dish that you traditionally enjoy on December 24th?
Sausage with potato salad 2%, Christmas goose 9%, raclette 13%, fish (carp, trout, etc.), vegetarian fondue 1%, meat fondue 6%, vegetarian or vegan 8%, other 31%, don’t know, not specified 4%

Are you planning to travel during the coming Christmas holidays?
Yes 22%, No 76%, Don’t know No answer 2%

Where are you planning to travel to?
Domestic 48%, foreign 52%

How are you spending the Christmas holidays?
With the family 65%, With friends 3%, We don’t celebrate Christmas 5%, Don’t know no answer 4%

What Christmas traditions are most important to you?
Decoration 51%, gifts 38%, singing songs 23%, special menu 36%, family time 76%, visits to Advent markets, church 13%, don’t know no answer 7%

Do you value sustainability when packing your Christmas presents?
Yes, definitely 26%, Yes, quite a bit 37%, Rather not 26%, No, definitely not 9%, Don’t know No answer 2%

Have you restricted yourself a bit when shopping for Christmas presents this year?
Yes, definitely 30%, Yes, quite a bit 33%, Rather not 23%, No, definitely not 11%, Don’t know No answer 3%

Topic online trading: where do you prefer to shop? On the Internet – or in stationary retail?
I order online 20%, I prefer visiting brick-and-mortar retailers 27%, sometimes like that, sometimes like that 47%, I currently only buy the bare essentials 6%, don’t know, no answer 0%

What emotions do you associate with the month of December?
Joy at the celebrations 48%, stress 46%, peace and contemplation 34%, winter blues 19%, sadness 13%, hope and optimism for the coming year 35%, don’t know, no answer 3%

Which winter activities do you prefer in December?
Skiing, snowboarding or other winter sports 16%, ice skating 20%, festive events 26%, cozy evenings at home 79%, walks in snowy winter landscapes 56%, vacation trips 11%, weekend trips 18%, don’t know, no answer 4%

Do you support the sticking actions of climate activists on Vienna’s streets?
Yes 21%, No 74%, Don’t know, no answer 5%

Assuming there were state and local council elections in Vienna next Sunday, which party would you vote for?
SPÖ with Michael Ludwig 37%, ÖVP with Karl Mahrer 11%, Greens with Peter Kraus/ Judith Pühringer 11%, NEOS with Christoph Wiederkehr 8%, FPÖ with Dominik Nepp 21%, Beer Party with Dominik Wlazny 7%, KPÖ (no candidate known ) 3%, other party 2%

Christoph Haselmayer comments on the results of the Sunday question: “The SPÖ remains in first place but, like most governing parties in Europe, is experiencing headwinds and has 37% in the current survey. The FPÖ has settled into second place with 21%. The ÖVP and the Greens both lose slightly compared to the last wave of surveys and are neck and neck at 11%. The NEOS gain a little and now reach 8%. The Beer Party also gained slightly and reached 7%. The KPÖ currently only has 3% in Vienna and would miss out on entering the local council.”

Client: W24 – Das Stadt Fernsehen, 1010 Vienna
Target group: Viennese representatives entitled to vote. from 16 years of age Sample size: n= 1026 Sampling method: pre-stratified random method, CAWI Sampling basis: selection of respondents using quota method
Evaluation: Factor weighting according to media analysis and Statistics Austria Coordinated Employment Statistics 2022; possible deviations in absolute numbers and percentage values ​​due to rounding differences (99 – 101 percent)
Weighting procedure: according to gender, age, education, employment, household size, children in the household GRW 2020
Quota plan: by gender, age, education, employment, federal state, household size, children in the household
Maximum fluctuation range: Examination period: Executing institute:
+/- 3.1%, of which n=862 declared +/- 3.3% December 14, 2023 – December 19, 2023
IFDD – Institute for Demoscopy & Data Analysis, Feldgasse 21, 3422 Hadersfeld

About W24 – I’m there!
Like no other broadcaster, W24 deals intensively with current issues affecting the city and its residents. With more than 1.6 million contacts per month and up to 95,000 viewers per day, W24 is the most watched city broadcaster in Austria. W24 is on the Magenta cable network, online as a mobile live stream at www.w24.at as well as in the cable network from Kabelplus and A1 TV and via DVB-T2 (MUX C – Vienna) on SimpliTV. The station is owned by WH Media. WH Media GmbH is a 100 percent subsidiary of Wien Holding, bundles the group’s media companies and takes care of the strategic further development of this mainstay

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W24 – I’m there!
Mag. Daria Auspitz
+43 676 42 41 422

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