W24 city barometer: Easter is important to 47% of Viennese | W24

W24 city barometer: Easter is important to 47% of Viennese |  W24

Vienna (OTS) The city television W24 carried out the current W24 city barometer together with the IFDD – Institute for Demoscopy and Data Analysis under the leadership of Christoph Haselmayer.

How important is Easter to you?

19% Very important

28% Important

33% Less important

20% Not important at all

0% Don’t know, no answer

Are you celebrating Easter this year?

30% Yes, I celebrate Easter for religious reasons and to get together with my family/friends

64% No, I don’t celebrate Easter for religious reasons, but I enjoy spending time with my family/friends

6% Don’t know, no answer

Do you go to church at Easter?

15 % and

82% no

3% Don’t know, no answer

How much do you plan to spend on Easter gifts?

14 % Bis 20 €

16 % Bis 40 €

12 % Bis 60 €

9 % Bis 100 €

7% More than €100

40% I don’t buy Easter presents

2% Don’t know, no answer

Have you already visited an Easter market in Vienna or are you planning to visit one?

14% Yes, I have been

32% No, I haven’t visited anyone and don’t plan to visit

53% No, not yet, but will visit one more time

1% Don’t know, no answer

Which Easter markets in Vienna do you like best?

21% Easter market at the farm

24% Easter market on the Freyung

31% Easter market at Schönbrunn Palace

6% Easter market at Franz-Jonas-Platz

12% Other smaller markets

40% Don’t know, no answer

What do you have planned for the Easter holidays?

2% ski vacation

12% Other vacation

17% day trips

68% I have nothing planned

1% Don’t know, no answer

Assuming there were state and local council elections in Vienna next Sunday, which party would you vote for?

36% SPÖ with Michael Ludwig

11% ÖVP with Karl Mahrer

11% Peter Kraus / Judith Pühringer

8% Neos with Christoph Wiederkehr

21% FPÖ with Dominik Nepp

8% beer party with Dominik Wlazny

4% KPÖ no candidate known

1% Other party

IFDD managing director Christoph Haselmayer summarizes: “The SPÖ remains the party with the largest vote with 36%, but it is suffering from the headwind that all those in government are currently feeling. The FPÖ has established itself in second place and has 21%. The ÖVP and the Greens are still in a neck-and-neck race for third place and are at 11%. Behind them, NEOS and the Beer Party are dueling at 8% each. The KPÖ is benefiting from the current media hype, but would still narrowly fail to get into the Vienna municipal council and gets 4%. Other parties play no role in the city and together make up 1%.”

Client: W24 – there! 1010 Vienna

Target group: Viennese representatives entitled to vote. from 16 years

Sample size: n= 1000 Sampling method: pre-stratified random method, CAWI Sampling basis: selection of respondents using quota method
Maximum fluctuation range: Examination period: Executing institute:
+/- 3.1%, of which n=900 declared +/- 3.3% March 21, 2023 – March 26, 2023
IFDD – Institute for Demoscopy & Data Analysis, Feldgasse 21, 3422 Hadersfeld

About W24 – I’m there!
Like no other broadcaster, W24 deals intensively with current issues affecting the city and its residents. With more than 1.6 million contacts per month and up to 95,000 viewers per day, W24 is the most watched city broadcaster in Austria. W24 is on the Magenta cable network, online as a mobile live stream at as well as in the cable network from Kabelplus and A1 TV and via DVB-T2 (MUX C – Vienna) on SimpliTV. The station is owned by WH Media. WH Media GmbH is a 100 percent subsidiary of Wien Holding, bundles the group’s media companies and takes care of the strategic further development of this mainstay.

Questions & Contact:

W24 – included!
Mag. Daria Auspitz
+43 1 676 42 41 422

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