VP-Mahrer/Zierfuß: Alarming increase in violence and suspensions in Vienna schools

VP-Mahrer/Zierfuß: Alarming increase in violence and suspensions in Vienna schools

Demand from the Vienna People’s Party for comprehensive prevention

Vienna (OTS) After another violent incident among students at a Vienna school in January and the renewed increase in school suspensions, it is clear: the responsible city council has failed! “We see that violence and radicalization in schools are increasingly a problem that must finally be addressed decisively. As current media reports and now again teachers show, the problem not only exists among students, but is also directed against teachers. “Prevention of extremism and violence in schools must be permanent, mandatory and comprehensive,” said the state party chairman of the Vienna People’s Party, City Councilor Karl Mahrer, and Education Spokesman, City Councilor Harald Zierfuß.

Four times more reports – more than 800 suspensions

Between 2021/22 and 2022/23 alone, the number of reports almost quadrupled from 139 to 528 and the number of suspensions almost doubled. This explains an acute need for action to defuse the current situation quickly and sustainably. “Violence and vandalism have no place in our Viennese schools. The numbers show a clear picture. We can’t wait any longer. Now is the time to act and bring violence prevention to all schools across the board,” said education spokesman Harald Zierfuß.
In addition to comprehensive violence prevention and anti-radicalization programs, it is also necessary to create legal opportunities for networking between schools, police, judiciary and authorities in the event of incidents involving students.
Mahrer adds: “For years, the Vienna People’s Party has been calling for, among other things, comprehensive violence prevention for all Viennese schools in cooperation with the police. Case conferences, such as those that are also possible in the case of domestic violence, could also serve as a model. One thing is certain: we now have to work on solutions across party lines, because schools are definitely not a place for violence and extremism.”

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