VP-Mahrer: Nehammer is a guarantee for stability and solutions
Vienna (OTS) –

“Karl Nehammer is the right man to put what is common above what divides and to start government negotiations for the benefit of the Republic of Austria,” said the state party chairman of the Vienna People’s Party, city councilor Karl Mahrer, in an initial statement on the task of forming a government. The FPÖ under Herbert Kickl thrives on problems and polarization – the last few days and weeks have shown that. Herbert Kickl also failed to find a parliamentary majority with his FPÖ course. “Kickl has once again proven that no state can be made with him,” continued Mahrer.

Austria and Vienna need change and reforms

“The election result on September 29th is also a clear mandate: the majority of Austrians demand solutions in the area of ​​security, especially in asylum, migration and the fight against political Islam,” continued Mahrer. There should be no “business as usual”. The most important task for the coming government will be to take undesirable developments seriously, address them and work together on solutions with a broad consensus. “The FPÖ thrives on the problem – the People’s Party stands for solutions. We promised this to the people and we will deliver it,” continued Mahrer.

In addition to the important areas of integration, migration and security, there also need to be clear plans for more equal performance in Austria: “Tackling must pay off – work must become more attractive. “The middle class must be able to build something up again and young people have to have a perspective – this also includes creating property,” continued Mahrer. Vienna also needs an end to the blockade on important infrastructure projects such as the Lobau Tunnel: “The people of Vienna have relied on construction to start soon. Ideology must not determine the development of infrastructure – we will ensure this in the government negotiations,” concluded Mahrer.


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