VP-Mahrer: Left-wing dreams at the state party conference of the Vienna SPÖ

The SPÖ is busy with itself instead of solving people’s problems

Vienna (OTS) “The SPÖ, with the strong participation of left-wing party leader Andreas Babler, is more concerned with itself and with left-left dreams than with the pressing questions that concern our city,” criticizes the regional party chairman of the Vienna People’s Party, city councilor Karl Mahrer, the political ones Priorities of the Social Democrats. “While we are committed to pragmatic and effective policies that put the security and well-being of our citizens first, the SPÖ is losing itself in ideological wishful thinking that will not help Vienna move forward.”

In view of the overfulfillment of the asylum quota in Vienna of 197%, Mahrer states: “The SPÖ has managed to make Vienna a social magnet in Austria and Central Europe. However, the People’s Party, under the leadership of our Chancellor Karl Nehammer, is the real driver of rethinking in Europe. This means: A clear commitment to Europe with robust external borders and consistent laws that everyone must adhere to. The dream of abolishing all borders in Europe, as Andreas Babler explained today, without effective external border protection, endangers not only security in Europe, but also social peace in Austria and Vienna.”

The education sector in particular, essential for successful integration, has been neglected by the SPÖ in Vienna for years. “Overcrowded classes, too few teachers and now container classes are only part of the entire problem. As long as 17,857 students in Vienna are classified as extraordinary and therefore cannot follow regular lessons, one cannot speak of equal opportunities for everyone. Mr. Babler should perhaps take a look at the schools in Vienna instead of glorifying the recent election results in the federal states. The Vienna SPÖ is called upon to say goodbye to Andreas Babler’s dreams and to implement real measures for integration and education. Our action plan is on the table,” concluded Mahrer.

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