VP Juraczka: Fact check – Vienna’s media policy under fire

VP Juraczka: Fact check – Vienna’s media policy under fire

Vienna is the undisputed leader in media spending – SPÖ criticism of the federal government is completely unfounded

Vienna (OTS) “The artificial outrage over the current Court of Auditors report once again shows the hypocritical style of the Babler-SPÖ. It’s not about politics for the people at all, it’s just about insulting the political counterpart,” said the finance spokesman for the Vienna People’s Party, local councilor Manfred Juraczka.

Fact check – Vienna, as an individual federal state, spends significantly more per capita on media work than the federal government for the whole of Austria

The current Court of Auditors report primarily covers the period at the beginning of the corona pandemic. The federal government provided information here about important funding, relief and COVID. “Criticizing an increased need for information here is not serious – the Babler-SPÖ should also know that,” continued Juraczka.

The current comparison of figures from 2022 shows the true picture: While the federal government invested 28.85 million euros in its public relations work, the federal states’ expenditure totaled 38.56 million euros. Particularly noteworthy is Vienna under SPÖ leadership with 25.3 million euros. “This means that Vienna is not only at the top of the federal states, but also significantly exceeds the federal government’s per capita spending,” says Juraczka. Per capita, the Vienna city government spent around 12.91 euros in 2022, compared to 3.19 euros per inhabitant by the federal government – around four times as much.

“After a disastrous city audit report on the city’s advertising policy last December and the detailed comparison of figures, the Babler-SPÖ would be better advised to sweep up its own front door. Don’t try to further poison the political mood, but instead ensure a transparent and economical media policy among your own comrades in Vienna,” concluded Juraczka.

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