VP-Engelberg/Schlosser on the renaming of the parking areas at Urban-Loritz-Platz to Hedy Lamarr Park
Vienna (OTS) –

After the National Socialist past of Mizzi Langer-Kauba became known, who was originally intended to be the new namesake of the currently unnamed parking areas at Urban-Loritz-Platz 1-8, the Vienna People’s Party proposed Hedy Lamarr as the new namesake.

“Firstly, it is a reminder of her Viennese origins and her deep connection to the city, which she has never forgotten despite her international career. Vienna was the place where her journey began and it is only fitting that the city names a park in her honor,” said Abg. e.g. NR Martin Engelberg in a first reaction.

The district party leader of the Vienna People’s Party Neubau, Christina Schlosser, also finds clear words: “Such a place would be a reminder of their contributions to science and technology, which are omnipresent in our modern world. At a time when women in science are often overlooked, it is important to honor role models like Hedy Lamarr and raise awareness of their achievements.” It should not be forgotten that Neubau has always played a pioneering role in the film industry through its numerous film studios and cinemas.

“A Hedy Lamarr Park near a transport hub, near the Westbahnhof, symbolizes Lamarr’s career. She was born in Vienna and moved around the world. Parks are places of encounter, train stations are intersections that lead into the world – as Hedy Lamarr succeeded. “It is therefore not only an honor for their achievements, but also a reminder of the potential that lies in all of us,” Engelberg continues.

“Hedy Lamarr was an extraordinary woman whose life and work are unique in many ways. She embodies the fusion of art and science, of glamor and intelligence. A square in Vienna named after Hedy Lamarr would be a deserved honor and a lasting reminder of the skills and achievements of this remarkable Viennese personality,” concludes Schlosser.


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