Vienna’s hospitality starts in the open-air season

Spring is just around the corner, the temperatures begin to rise. And with increasing temperatures, the wish of the Viennese is also growing to spend free time outside of their own four walls. “As soon as the sun is shining, the Shanigrats in Vienna’s streets, alleys and pedestrian zones are well filled. The actual temperature plays only a subordinate role, what matters is the feeling of the sun’s rays on the skin, ”says Walter Ruck, President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. He himself uses the offer of the Shanigentries as often as possible, just like Mayor Michael Ludwig: “The opening of the season of the Vienna Shanigarten is not only a sign of spring and conviviality, but also a commitment to the strength of our gastronomy, which is equally indispensable for the Viennese feeling of life as an economic engine and cultural asset. In times when the Viennese economy continues to grow despite global challenges, we recognize the immeasurable contribution of our gastronomy, which, with its quality and hospitality, has made the most successful tourism year since the start of the records. “

“Schani Trag’Den Garten out” used to be the classic call to set up the tables in front of the restaurant. For this reason, after the Garden of Viennese hospitality is named, the Schani no longer has to worry: for the second time this winter, the schani gardens in Vienna could be kept open all year round. Around 3,500 seamstarters are currently operated in Vienna, more than 2,200 of them last winter. Nevertheless: “The real high season for the food and drink enjoyment outdoors begins with the rising temperatures”, Mayor Michael Ludwig, Vienna Chamber of Commerce, President Walter Ruck and the chairman of the Viennese coffee houses, Wolfgang Binder, agree. Together they heralded the “spring awakening of the Vienna Shanigarten” in the Diglas Café in the Schottenstift.

More year-round workstations

“The number of open -ended gianiges increased again in the past winter: if it was around half of the operators in the previous year who also served their offers outdoors in winter, we came to around two thirds this winter. This is the best proof that it pays off and, above all, that the Shanigents are also used in winter, “said Ruck, who thanks the city for the regulation made:” We have discussed a lot about it because open sapty gardens are also a challenge for the city in some areas, for example when it comes to vacating. But I’m glad that we found this solution together. ” Especially in economically challenging times, the measure has proven to be spot on: “On the one hand, the income from the schanigent is not only the sales of the operators, but also jobs. In the past, waiters were only employed for the Shanigentries over the summer season, many of these seasonal workstations have now become all-year-olds. That is also good for the employees. ”

“The all -year opening of our Shanigentrats may move the traditional season opening in a new light, but it in no way reduces its meaning. Rather, it is an opportunity to appreciate the tireless use of Viennese gastronomy, which, with its excellent culinary and its charm Vienna, makes one of the best, foodie destinations in the world. So let’s celebrate the opening of the season as what it really is – a tribute to the unique Viennese attitude to life that is at home in our Shaniga Highlights in every season, ”said Mayor Ludwig.

Well -attended

A current study also proves how much the Viennese still hang on their coffee houses. For Wolfgang Binder, chairman of the coffee houses in the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, a clear confirmation of how important they are for the city: “A third of the population – more than half a million – goes to the coffee house at least once a week, another quarter of several times a month. So we see that the coffee house is still “the second living room” of the Viennese, says Binder. By the way: Two percent of the population from the age of 17 go to the coffee house every day. “That is more than 32,000 coffee house visits every day. On average, our approximately 2,000 coffee houses have 16 regular guests who come every single day. ” One of these popular coffee houses is the Diglas in the Schottenstift, this year’s host for spring awakening. The classic Viennese pastries served here are delivered daily from the 140 -year -old, in -house bakery on the meat market. Binder: “Fresh every day and yet with far more than 100 years of tradition – the perfect symbol for our city.”


Chamber of Commerce Vienna, Press and Newsroom

Mag. (FH) Stephan Fuchs

T. 01 51450-1465


City of Vienna

Bernhard Muttenthaler

Media spokesman for the Mayor of Vienna

T: +43 1 4000 81857


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