Vienna professional fire department tests reconnaissance drones | PID Press

Vienna professional fire department tests reconnaissance drones |  PID Press

Vienna (OTS) Operating drones in a large city like Vienna is demanding: Densely built-up areas, busy streets, entry and exit paths at Vienna Airport and flight restrictions for a large part of Vienna’s airspace pose particular challenges for the operation of drones.

Within these complex framework conditions, the Vienna professional fire department started a pilot project in August 2022 to evaluate possible areas of application for drones or so-called “unmanned aircraft”. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of drones and their benefits in the most diverse areas of responsibility of the Vienna professional fire department are to be surveyed and evaluated.

To ensure safe operations, it was first necessary to create appropriate basic organizational structures and train staff in accordance with legal requirements. The gradual implementation of the operating concept is based primarily on the results and recommendations that were developed within the framework of a working group of the Austrian Federal Fire Brigade Association for the uniform operation of drones in the fire departments. But knowledge gained through international exchange of experiences should also flow into the project.

Thanks to its high level of professionalism, the Vienna professional fire department is rightly one of the best emergency services in the world. In its commitment to the safety of the Viennese population, the professional fire department also relies on constant development and the use of new technologies. This also includes the use of drones, which can help emergency services respond more quickly, safely and efficiently to emergency scenarios“, emphasizes Fire Department City Councilor Peter Hanke.

In any case, fire director DI Mario Rauch sees great potential for drones at the fire department in Vienna: “During our operations there are regular situations in which air support can lead to a better assessment of the situation. Likewise, drones can be used in the immediate danger area without having to endanger firefighters.”

There are currently three teams or bases with a total of 40 trained pilots available for trial operations. You can choose from three types of drones – depending on your requirements.

  • Small model under 250 grams: This type can be used quickly and easily and is intended for exploration, situation reports and drone pilot training. There is a standard camera on board.
  • Medium size with approx. 500 grams: This type is particularly robust with rotor protection, is suitable for exploring inside buildings and is also equipped with a standard camera.
  • Large drone weighing approx. 3,500 grams: This model is equipped with a thermal imaging camera, a high-resolution camera with zoom and a wide-angle lens.

In the future, the use of drones will be tested in the following areas of application, among others.

  • Providing situation reports to support operations management
  • Explorations in danger areas without endangering the emergency personnel (e.g. areas at risk of collapse or where there is a risk from pollutants)
  • Carrying out measurements in danger areas without having to endanger emergency services
  • Search for people (e.g. drowned people, people who have had an accident in impassable terrain, etc.)
  • Operational documentation and preservation of evidence for investigative authorities;

The experience gained during the project is intended to serve as a strategic basis for future purchases and the alignment of organizational structures.

Photos from the appointment will be available shortly from the rk photo service under the link available.

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Roberta “Louis” Kraft
Media spokesperson StR Peter Hanke
Phone: 01 4000 81211

City of Vienna Fire Department and Civil Protection
Duty press and information officer
Mobil: +43 676 8118 68122
Email: press


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