Vienna Medical Association: The overwhelming majority of Viennese people show solidarity with protest and strike measures

Vienna Medical Association: The overwhelming majority of Viennese people show solidarity with protest and strike measures

Ferenci: “The alarming values ​​of the Vienna Health Barometer 2023 show how important the protest on December 4th is”

Vienna (OTS) At a press conference on Tuesday morning, the results of the Vienna Health Barometer 2023 were presented and classified by Peter Hajek. Conclusion: the Viennese population gives politics a bad report and shows solidarity with any protest and strike measures by the medical staff.****

Pollster Peter Hajek gave his assessment of the results: “91 percent of the Viennese surveyed who have noticed the strikes in the last few months show understanding for the striking medical staff. It is almost pointless to mention that this is an extremely high value. From the 2023 hospital survey we know that 95 percent of Vienna hospital doctors support the strike at the ZNA Ottakring and almost 80 percent can imagine taking part in protest measures in general. There is great dissatisfaction with Vienna’s hospitals among both specialist staff and patients in Vienna; otherwise there would not be as much understanding for protest and strike measures. Because fundamentally, people in Austria prefer that such issues be resolved at the negotiating table; strikes are only seen as a last resort.”

Viennese people support doctors employed by the Curia

Curia chairman employed doctors and vice president Stefan Ferenci sees confirmation of the protest march on December 4th: “If you live in Vienna, you simply notice that there are structural problems in the city’s hospitals. This cannot be solved by simply “stuffing holes” or mini-reforming city politics. That’s why the protest march on December 4th is so important. According to the health barometer, the people of Vienna also support our demands: 63 percent of those surveyed want the staff shortage to be combated, while 69 percent want higher salaries for hospital staff as a contribution to solving the problems. We demand 30 percent more staff, 30 percent more time for patients, 30 percent more salaries and 30 percent less bureaucracy.”

Eduardo Maldonado-González, deputy chairman of the Curia, emphasizes: “According to 58 percent of Viennese, the hospitals are developing in the wrong direction. We have been warning for years that comprehensive reforms are needed to save Vienna’s hospitals. We have presented a 10-point plan that would lead to a significant and sustainable improvement in the situation. Unfortunately, the city government has so far persistently ignored our suggestions. On December 4th we will demonstrate loudly because nursing, doctors and patients deserve better working and care conditions!”

According to the second deputy chairwoman of the Curia, Anna Kreil, it is no wonder “that 63 percent of all Viennese people still see the quality of care in pandemic crisis mode. We’re at the limit. The exodus of hospital staff cannot be solved by individual surcharges for night shifts or stand-in shifts. Only 5 percent rate the condition of Vienna’s hospitals as ‘very good’, while 37 percent rate it as ‘not enough’ or ‘enough’. This is more than worrying. Common solutions are needed quickly here.”

For Peter Poslussny, human resources representative in the Vienna Health Association, the results are a confirmation of everyday hospital life, “which we have not just experienced since yesterday – keyword overcrowded hospital outpatient clinics. Behind the staff shortage (63 percent), the population sees the greatest need for action in the long wait for surgery appointments (42 percent). It always hurts when lots of people ask you about postponed operations. The city’s mini-package is a small drop in the ocean and is far from enough.”

The Vienna Medical Association has set up appropriate communication channels to network and organize participants. On FAQs and further information on the strike and combat measures are provided.

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Medical Association for Vienna
Benjamin Weiser, MA

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