Vienna is flying its flag internationally with its new “ViennaBusiness” initiative

Vienna is flying its flag internationally with its new “ViennaBusiness” initiative

The City of Vienna is increasingly focusing on international location positioning in the area of ​​business: ViennaBusiness, a new platform, was created this year that specifically addresses key topics relating to business, life and sustainability in Vienna for international target groups. High-ranking managers from the Viennese economy are supporting the initiative and supporting the process with their strategic know-how. Under the patronage of City Councilor Peter Hanke, responsible for business and international affairs, the new ViennaBusiness Board was recently formed for the first time, which includes, among others, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Vienna Tourism, the Vienna Industrial Association, research institutions and companies from the private sector. With the combined expertise of high-ranking managers, the city is now taking targeted measures to make Vienna even more visible as a business location abroad.

“International company settlements are a central driver for our economy – they not only connect Vienna with the world, but also create additional jobs in Vienna. With ViennaBusiness, we have created a new platform to position the city of Vienna even more strongly worldwide as an attractive business location. We now want to achieve what has already been achieved with Vienna as the capital of music for Vienna as a location for innovation and business. The willingness of the managers to support this ambition and to actively participate in the process underlines the great importance of a common approach for the future of Vienna and its population.”explains City Councilor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke.

ViennaBusiness: landing strip for international businesspeople and expats

The economic situation is currently challenging, not only in Austria but throughout Europe. But despite the ongoing crises, the Viennese economy is proving to be encouragingly resilient: according to preliminary figures, 15 percent more foreign companies settled in Vienna in 2024 than in the previous year. With ViennaBusiness, the city is now setting further accents to accelerate this positive development and specifically address a clearly defined target group of international companies, startups and expats. Hanke continues: “Vienna offers stability – even in economically difficult times. The new activities have the clear goal of bringing new companies, investments and highly qualified specialists from abroad to Vienna.”

The new ViennaBusiness initiative brings together international measures such as the start-up festival ViennaUP or the Vienna Planet Fund, a climate funding program that is also aimed at global companies. On the website, companies and expats can find helpful information for getting started in Vienna. ViennaBusiness is a landing strip for everyone who is interested in Vienna as a business location and the first point of contact for international business people: Here you can find answers to initial questions and access to important resources to quickly find your way around the local ecosystem. The effectiveness of the platform is already noticeable: since January 2024, the website has been visited by almost a million business-related people. The international team at the Vienna Business Agency has also seen increased interest in the location since the launch of ViennaBusiness.

Shaping the future: The economic strategy of the city of Vienna

ViennaBusiness is part of the economic strategy of the City of Vienna: In Vienna, economic success should be in harmony with social and ecological principles in order to ensure the quality of life for current and future generations. Vienna relies on the circular economy, the promotion of repair and sharing models and targeted investments in climate-relevant future sectors. At the same time, regional value chains are being strengthened, talent is being promoted and Vienna is being expanded as a hub for start-ups, research and international headquarters. The role of Vienna as Austria’s leading startup hub is supported by current figures: According to the Austrian Startup Monitor 2023, of the 3,420 startups founded in Austria since 2012, around half – 1,613 companies – have settled in Vienna. In total, over 3,100 companies have settled in Vienna over more than 20 years, triggering investments of more than 4.7 billion euros. This created around 24,000 jobs.

The ViennaBusiness Board: Strategic partnership for internationalization

The ViennaBusiness Board, which was launched on the initiative of City Councilor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke, brings together top-class managers from the Viennese economy. The members include: Brigitte Bach (Managing Director AIT), Hinnerk Hansen (Co-Founder and Managing Director Impact Hub), Lilli Hollein (General Director MAK), Julian Jäger (Board Member of Flughafen Wien AG), Astrid Kaltenböck (Managing Director EIT Health Austria) , Norbert Kettner (Managing Director and Director of Vienna Tourism), Georg Kopetz (CEO TTTech), Patricia Neumann (CEO Siemens AG Austria), Michael Otter (General Director Advantage Austria WKO), Christian C. Pochtler (President of the Vienna Industrial Association), Selma Prodanovic (investor and entrepreneur), Walter Ruck (President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce), Alena Sirka-Bred (Head of Europe and International Affairs, City of Vienna) and Monika Unterholzner (Deputy General Director of Wiener Stadtwerke). ).

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