Vienna climate tour set an example at the Long Night of the Churches |  City vienna

Vienna (OTS/RK) The Vienna Climate Tour made a special stop at the Long Night of the Churches and offered visitors a unique opportunity to engage intensively with the topic of climate protection at the interactive stations in front of the Protestant Church of the Resurrection in Neubau. Climate City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky was on site with five e-cargo bikes and experts from the City of Vienna and offered visitors the opportunity to receive practical tips and information for everyday life at the interactive stations and to see the City of Vienna’s efforts in the area of ​​climate protection up close to experience.

Interactive exhibition in a special setting

“The Vienna Climate Tour brings the topic of climate protection directly to people and shows how important it is to act together to achieve our climate goals. Participation in the Long Night of the Churches offers us a wonderful platform to present our initiatives to a new audience and to raise awareness among the population,” said Climate City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky.

The mobile exhibition addressed numerous aspects of climate protection: the nutrition wheel showed the importance of sustainable and regional food, while the circular economy wheel offered practical tips on recycling and waste avoidance. The climate roadmap was illustrated on another wheel and showed Vienna’s path to climate neutrality. The exhibition on the topic of green space presented projects for the creation and maintenance of urban green spaces that have a positive impact on the urban climate. A special “eye-catcher” was the mushroom wheel, which symbolized the networking and collaboration of various actors in the climate protection sector and served as a platform for the climate network.

The Evangelical Lutheran Superintendent of Vienna, Matthias Geist, welcomes the cooperation between church and city: “It is encouraging to see how church and city are pulling together to advance climate protection and increase awareness in society. The climate tour’s visit to the Long Night of Churches was a strong sign of this.”

Mario Haidinger, the Protestant environmental representative of Vienna, emphasized the urgency of action: “Climate change is a global challenge that affects us all. It is essential that we act now and find solutions together to create a world worth living in for future generations.”

This is the Vienna Climate Tour

On the Vienna Climate Tour, a fleet of eight e-cargo bikes are on the move throughout the city: the topics of the individual bikes cover a wide variety of areas of life – from nutrition to green space, water and species protection to energy and circular economy as well as the new mushroom Wheel that stands for the climate network. One focus is the Vienna Climate Roadmap, which sets out the city’s path to climate neutrality.

Each theme wheel is a multifunctional information carrier; in addition to tips and suggestions for climate protection in everyday life, there are things to try out and experiment with. You can also ask questions of city experts and find out about the big picture of the climate crisis and the city’s activities. The climate tour travels throughout Vienna and visits public places, parks and events.

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Questions & Contact:

Michaela Zlamal
Media spokesperson StR Jürgen Czernohorszky
+43 1 4000 81446

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