In 2021 a comprehensive one began Reform the department for immigration and citizenship (MA 35), which formally ended at the end of the previous year and passed into a flowing, constant improvement process.
Digitization is an essential component of the reform – all internal procedural steps have been digitized since 2022, both in immigration and citizenship. New files are only processed digitally. The saving of analog intermediate steps accelerated and can be done more flexibly. It also facilitates the rapid granting of information about the procedure.
Vice Mayor and City Councilor Bettina Emmerling: “We have been working on improving the quality of service and the effectiveness of the MA 35 since 2021. We not only optimized processes, but also promoted digitization, which enables all customers to benefit from faster and more transparent services. Another milestone in the area of digitization of the authority is the home role, which is to be completely digitized in the course of this year. ”
All Viennese “home enthusiasts” have been led in the “home role” since 1848. Until 1966, the home role was the official register of Vienna Citizenship Evidence and includes the civil status data, profession, place of residence, descent, justification and day of employment of home law. In the file there are historically well -known personalities such as Sigmund Freud, Johann Nestroy and Empress Sisi. Nevertheless, it is still an everyday work instrument in citizenship.
Digitization challenges
The handwritten directories are digitized in cooperation with MA 6. Research and provision of information should therefore be possible faster and more efficiently, and the historical data will be obtained for posterity.
“The documents must be scanned in a high resolution so that they can be deciphered. The paper is already sensitive due to age, the font is partially faded – so when scanning it has to be carried out extremely carefully. The documents are not sorted alphabetically, but phonetically (speaking). The specialist knowledge of this phonetic sorting is only available for a few employees. If the documents got confused, a new sorting would take a lot of time. The transport of the documents to the scanztrum and back must therefore be organized well, ”says Head of department Georg Hufgard-Leitner.
Overview of the home role
After the abandonence is abolished (1848), the municipalities were organized for public law regional authorities with rights and duties. In 1849, municipalities were legally obliged to create a list of their “home enthusiasts” and to lead them continuously. This “home role” was also the basis for the exhibition of “homelands”. Homing law could not be lost without acquiring a new home right and secured an undisturbed stay, the right to poor support, the use of the municipality and a limited participation in the election of the municipal committee. The home law was acquired by birth or admission (marriage, obtaining a public office, legal transaction). In the Heimatrechtsgesetz of December 3, 1863, it was stated that every Austrian citizen must be entitled to home in a community. In 1896, the home law amendment created the opportunity to get home law after a ten -year stay. In 1939 the home law was lifted; In 1945, proof of citizenship took place.
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