VGT protests in front of BH Leibnitz: District captain protects scandalous pig factory

The BH lets the complaint against the full-slatted pig factory in the Leibnitz district uncovered by the VGT come to nothing

Vienna (OTS) Severely injured, bleeding and limping pigs, maggots on the floor and completely slatted floors in every pen. This is the short summary of what was distributed by the VGT Exposure videos one Full column pig factory in the Leibnitz district. It’s not the first Scandal operation, which the VGT had to uncover in the Leibnitz district. But District Captain Walch dismisses, relativizes and suggests Interviews, there may possibly be no administrative criminal proceedings at all. There is only a need for improvement in the employment material. “As if the lack of employment material wasn’t a serious deficiency,” says VGT chairman DDr. Martin Balluch was angry, “after all, the poor pigs in these full-slatted animal factories have absolutely nothing to do, so they are completely desperate. And the majority of the animals’ serious injuries can be attributed to the fact that pigs bite due to the absolutely lack of stimulation in the environment. Apart from that, as of summer 2022, the law requires access to a physically comfortable lying area for all pigs and routine tail docking is prohibited. Both are fundamentally ignored in this company. But District Captain Walch is completely blind in this regard. For him, legal provisions for the protection of pigs obviously do not need to be taken seriously. When it comes to animals, there is no rule of law in the Leibnitz district.

In the opinion of the VGT and the vast majority of the population, a farm whose pigs suffer so much must face consequences and be punished for breaking the law. Especially when it comes to operators who have high positions in the industry and clearly should know “better”. Improvement orders must follow because without change the same condition will reoccur regularly. To emphasize this demand, animal rights activists from the VGT protested today in front of the BH in Leibnitz in southern Styria.

VGT-Balluch continues: “The one in ours The movie The condition shown is often found in full-slatted pig factories. But that doesn’t mean that you have to tolerate such torment. What this means is that something fundamental needs to be changed. 92% of people in Austria want soft straw bedding for pigs, like this Eurobarometer from March 2023. In view of the pictures from the pig factory, the ÖVP in the federal government must now finally, in accordance with the will of the vast majority, end keeping animals on fully slatted floors and replace them with a soft lying area.

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