In Germany, the possibility of vaccination in the pharmacy for the population is very popular. This emerges from a recent study by various German universities. The examination was based on 11,500 patient questionnaires. According to this, around 94 percent of the participating patients stated that they were very satisfied with the vaccination in the pharmacy. Without the pharmacies ‘vaccination offer, 17 percent of the patients surveyed would not have been vaccinated, as the ABDA – Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations announced, citing the study result in a press release.
Low -threshold access as a trump
“The example of Germany shows how important the low -threshold access of the pharmacies is on site. As a result, the pharmacy offer reaches people who have not yet been vaccinated. This is very important, because the more people are vaccinated against infectious diseases, the better – especially against the background that the vaccination rates in Austria are sometimes extremely bad, ”explains Gerhard Kobinger, Vice President of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists.
Asked about the reasons for their decision to have the flu vaccination in the pharmacy made, according to ABDA, the study participants referred to the uncomplicated accessibility, confidence in the pharmacists and the customer -friendly opening times of the pharmacies.
Austria’s pharmacy is waiting for vaccination release
In Germany, pharmacists are allowed to vaccinate against influenza (flu) and Covid-19. Dozens of other countries worldwide allow vaccination in the pharmacy – with mostly great success in the vaccination rates. Austria’s pharmacists are still waiting for the legislator to carry out certain refresher vaccinations in adults. “More than 2,000 highly motivated pharmacists in Austria have completed a special and international model training training course,” says Susanne Ergott-Badawi, member of the Chamber of Pharmacists. Pharmacists have decades of experience in vaccination advice. The administration of vaccinations is therefore the logical next step.
The vaccination training includes all essential aspects, from assessing vaccination to advice and injection to aftercare. “In the practical part, we pay particular attention to injection technology and specific first aid. Thus, all relevant areas around the topic of vaccination are well covered, ”adds Ergott-Badawi.
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