#unikampf – If education dies, the future dies

#unikampf – If education dies, the future dies

HTU Vienna: Anyone who saves on education and research saves on society

Vienna (OTS) Today, December 4th, 2023, a stand rally by HTU Vienna, ÖH Uni Wien and ÖH Boku will take place in Resselpark at 12:00 to demonstrate for better financing of the universities. The reason for this is the insufficient funding for education and research from the minister’s finance speech in the National Council. “With the estimated budget, the universities can barely maintain the current status – but this is due to a notorious lack of space and a fight for third-party funding in order to be able to finance research and a significant proportion of staff“, explains Josef Fraczek from the HTU Vienna chair team.

Currently, the ability to study is one of the topics that is suffering most from the lack of money. “There are a lack of resources everywhere to be able to complete the minimum study period of 6 semesters in the Bachelor’s degree – too few study places and too few places in exercises, laboratories and seminars massively delay study progress!“criticizes Pia-Marie Graves from the HTU Vienna chair team.

The inadequate aid system also needs to be urgently revised, explains Godwin Biziyaremye from the HTU Vienna chair team: “The majority of students work alongside university in order to be able to finance their lives and studies. This delays graduation even further and leads to tuition fees, which represent another financial hurdle, but are just a drop in the ocean for universities.

But it’s not just students who are severely affected by the lack of funding. “Young researchers bear such a multiple burden that they have to handle the majority of the teaching work but also have to be excellent in research in order to be transferred from chain contracts to permanent employment. This situation is not acceptable – UG § 109 must finally be abolished in order to be able to offer more attractive careers and to ensure the quality of teaching and research in the long term!“, demands Paul Koo from the HTU Vienna chair team.

Fight with us today at 12:00 in Resselpark for sufficient university funding, because education is dying in the current system. If education dies, the future dies!” is the call from the HTU Vienna

All requirements and information on:

Stand rally in Resselpark

Datum: December 4th, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m

Ort: Resselpark
1040 Vienna, Austria


Questions & Contact:

Student body at the Vienna University of Technology
(Chairman: Paul KOO)
Karlsplatz 13, courtyard 1 / stairs 4 / ground floor
1040 Wien
☎ +43-1-58801-49501

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