UG Polaschek: Make positive use of the pause for reflection on the Supply Chain Act!  |  UG

Independent trade union group (UG) calls for more courage from business representatives

Vienna (OTS) “Study after study from a wide variety of perspectives, including those close to business, have shown how positive strict and uniform rules could be on the human rights situation in the Global South and the economic situation in Europe. And now business representatives in particular are hesitating and hesitating,” says Marion Polaschek, chairwoman of the Independent Trade Union Group (UG) in the ÖGB.

After long negotiations willing to compromise, a proposal was on the table for Friday, which was to be voted on across the EU. However, industrial and business associations suddenly had concerns again that companies would have little opportunity to remedy injuries along their supply chains. Political representatives such as the FDP in Germany and the ÖVP in Austria have already spoken out in the media and talked about abstention, which, according to relevant experts, could be seen as a rejection of the proposal. The decision has now been postponed.

Whenever things get serious, the voices come and say what’s not possible. One might get the suspicion that certain representatives would rather think about prevention strategies than new implementation solutions,” says Marion Polaschek and she asks: “Quality standards for services, products and raw materials along a supply chain are already possible. Why should quality standards for human rights compliance be an insoluble problem?

“During the pause for reflection, the innovative problem-solving skills of companies could be asked directly; perhaps these are underestimated by their representatives,” she suggests and concludes: “As with measures against climate change, there must be no head-in-the-sand behavior when it comes to responsibility for compliance with human rights. That’s why our position as an independent trade union group here is: Carry on as before – no way!

Questions & Contact:

UG – Independent trade unionists in the ÖGB
01-505 19 52
Johann-Böhm-Platz 1
A-1020 Vienna
ZVR-Nr.: 695949446

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