Anja Wicker is looking forward to “Highlight with goosebumps atmosphere” in Trondheim.
Photo: Imago/Marcus Hartmann
The excitement is huge among the German para-ski runners. After all, they have been in Norway for a few days and have just completed their World Cup final in Steinkjer at the weekend. And in the NRK public television program, there is no more important topic than the Nordic World Ski Championships in Trondheim and the huge enthusiasm of tens of thousands of fans in these title fights. On this huge stage, the para skiing runners will determine their world champions in the sprint this Tuesday and Wednesday-a huge victory for inclusion and a historical premiere in skiing.
“This will be an incredible highlight with goosebumps atmosphere. It is time for us to be pushed like that, «says Anja Wicker. The cross-sectional woman played a competition in front of a few thousand spectators in her Paralympics victory in Sotschi biathlon in Biathlon. For Marco Maier, just like Wicker one of the German medal candidates in Trondheim, this is new territory: »It will be the first time with so many spectators on the route and a very large stadium. It will be very different than we are used to. “
The impulse for this spectacular inclusion project came from World Cup host Trondheim. In Norway, equality of people with disabilities, just like that of the sexes, is very important. For the premiere of the athletes with a handicap as part of the title fights of the non-disabled people, great advertising is made, the national hopeful Vilde Nilsen plays a leading role in the PR films of Trondheim. A total of six gold medals are awarded in the para sprints-three per sex sitting in the categories, standing, standing and visual impaired.
There is even a total of one million Norwegian crowns for the para competitions. That is the equivalent of around 85,500 euros, 50 percent each financed by local organizers and the International Ski Association FIS. “This is the first time that we are also about money. This creates a little more excitement – but it is also a sign of appreciation that our services are as much worth as much as those of the non -disabled people, ”says Maier.
However, the coexistence with the big stars from the Olympic cross -country skiing run is not very friction -free. “There is already a certain skepticism and we have been briefed that we should behave,” said national coach Ralf Rombach with a smile. It is primarily about the training times on the World Cup routes, which are strictly regulated because of the many starter. At the same time, there is connecting cooperation: For example, German para athletes will also receive tips for the correct preparation of the boards and sledges from the WACHSTEAGE TEAM of German cross-country skiers.
Rombach generally sees the efforts of the World Association for the Para-Skilanglauf as very positive: »The FIS is a super tanker whose maneuverability is limited. But everyone strives, even though we have so far proven to provide few returns when it comes to advertising partners and media presence. In any case, inclusion is not a fig leaf what they have bound. “
Nevertheless, the spectacular premiere of the para athletes could remain a unique campaign as part of the Nordic World Ski Championships. The next World Cup host Falun has so far not been able to do something similar in Sweden for 2027 as in Norway. “But we are in dialogue with the future World Cup judges,” says Sandra Spitz, sports and event director of the World Association. Rombach hopes for a magical premiere in Trondheim as an additional argument: »Perhaps you are under pressure. Once and never again – that shouldn’t be. “
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