Trade Colloquium 2024: BM Kocher, Ukraine Ambassador Khymynets and 350 guests at the country’s most prestigious trade congress

Top representatives from business and politics attended the 34th edition of the colloquium in Schönbrunn Palace. In focus: digitalization, circular economy and the future of Europe.

Vienna (OTS) On April 11th, 350 leading trade industry representatives and numerous top politicians discussed Austria’s success factors in global trade, current geopolitical challenges, opportunities of the circular economy and the transformative power of digitalization at the traditional trade colloquium. The event was competently moderated by Pitch Professor by Daniel Cronin.

Economics Minister Kocher in conversation with Gabriel Felbermayr and Ambassador Vasyl Khymynets

One of the highlights of the 2024 trade colloquium was the keynote speech by the Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Kocher. He emphasized the importance of European integration as well as his political focus on relieving the burden on labor and making full-time work more attractive. The latter is a crucial component in combating the widespread staff shortage.

A centerpiece of the event was the top-class business talk, in which Martin Kocher spoke with WIFO boss Gabriel Felbermayr and the Ukrainian ambassador Vasyl Khymynets Among other things, the current situation and future of Europe as well as Ukraine’s EU accession prospects were discussed. The gas transit contract between Russia and Ukraine, which expires at the end of 2024, and the resulting potential gap in European gas supplies were also discussed. Conclusion of the round: Independence from Russian gas sources must be achieved as quickly as possible. The trade emphasized that further discussions between European politicians are needed for an interim solution.

This was also the case during the subsequent CEO exchange between the Minister of Economics and the HV Presidential Council underlined. In front of the illustrious group, Kocher highlighted the excellent cooperation with the trade association during the crises, the relevance of trade as an employment engine with more than 700,000 employees and the importance of more fair play in international trade (keyword Temu). AGM President Stephan Mayer-Heinisch and general manager Rainer Will thanked HBM Kocher for the close cooperation, ongoing involvement and the steps taken by the federal government, such as the abolition of cold progression. There was also agreement about providing financial incentives for increasing weekly working hours. The pending abolition of the rental agreement fee was also brought up.

Das Who-is-Who der Retail-Szene live on stage

The program of the 2024 trade colloquium already shined with numerous highlights during the day. Business mentor Felix Thönnessen In his keynote speech “Trade 4.0” he spoke about strategies for success in navigating the future of retail. “Europe suffers from neophobia – the fear of new things”, is the controversial diagnosis of the German digitalization expert. Thönnessen philosophized on the podium about what a modern shopping experience looks like and what role the stationary checkout plays in it Andrea Heumann (Thalia), Mario Arch (zebra) and Christoph Heinzle (Unzer).

Thomas Klein (Edeka) showed the advantages of the first climate-neutral Edeka store in his best practice presentation, Ulrike Kittinger (Pagro discount) and Oliver Olschewski (Offerista) the advantages of digital reach, namely higher sales through more visibility. We explained why agility is essential when reorganizing system landscapes Heimo Kern (Neuroth) and Luka Petek (PwC) in their exciting presentation.

The green revolution in retail

Of course, the topic of sustainability could not be missed at Austria’s most important trade congress. Rainer Will presented together with Paul Leitenmüller (Leadersnet) and Roland Otto (CRIF) presented the results of the latest HV consumer survey on the circular economy. For example, 61% of domestic consumers find it important that retailers are committed to sustainability. More than half of all Austrians (54%) demand commitment to sustainability from their own employer. In keeping with this, the technology provider CRIF presented its global digital platform Synesgy, which enables ESG sustainability analyzes within the supply chain – and thus the management of bureaucracy and compliance with the future obligations under the EU Supply Chain Directive.

The “Circular and Green Revolution” panel was all about the circular economy. Provided valuable insights from practice Susanne Eidenberger (Bellaflora), Peter Umundus (Post) and Roman Postl (Tomra). The range of topics ranged from CO2-free delivery to reusable boxes in eCommerce to the one-way deposit, which will be available in this country from January 1, 2025 – and retailers are investing millions in sustainable processes.

HV Science Prize: And the Winner is…

As part of the trade colloquium, the HV awards the science prize worth 14,000 euros every two years for outstanding scientific publications that are highly relevant to the retail industry. The prize for the best bachelor’s thesis went to this year David Berghamer from the Management Center Innsbruck for his work on the use of WhatsApp in electronics retailers. The best master’s thesis was that of Chiara Brammer (FH St. Pölten) on the subject of animal welfare labeling. Received the award for the best dissertation Robert Zimmermann for his work on optimizing the conversion rate in sports retail, submitted to the JKU Linz. The awards were given by Utho Creusen (University of St. Gallen), Maria Madlberger (Webster University) and Karin Saey (Dorotheum). More about this HERE.

The afternoon was brilliant Günther Helm (Cenomi Retail), the Austrian Retailer of the Year 2019, on stage with his keynote speech about Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. “Saudi Arabia is a country in the global fast lane. This results in enormous export and growth opportunities for the trade and supplier landscape,” Helm told the decision-makers present.

The short lectures from were also convincing Roman Pickl (Graphmasters), Raphael Pflügl (GoldTheke), Barbara Seidelmann (5 Star Plus Retail Design) and Eli Widecki (TurboVolt) at traditional startup zapping. The startup session was charmingly moderated by Markus Kuntke (Rewe Group), patron ACSP was through Secretary General Roman Schwarzenecker prominently represented.

Crowning conclusion: Honoring two officials & a podium on the state of retail

The evening one Reception of Austrian trade was all about honoring two long-standing AGM officials. After a greeting from the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellenwhich highlighted the trade association’s role as a valuable and positive force in the country, two true legends of the retail industry were honored on stage: Unito/Otto Managing Director Harald Gutschi for ten years as AGM Vice President and eleven years as head of the “Mail Order, eCommerce & Marketplaces” platform George Müller (Deichmann) for 17 years as HV presidential councilor and five years as head of the textile department. The trade association would like to thank you very much on behalf of the entire industry.

The inspiring conclusion of the 2024 trade colloquium was that of Silvia Schneider moderated panel on the state of domestic trade. Discussed live on stage Ina Bauer (MediaShop), Alpay Guner (Media Markt), Andrea Heumann (Thalia) and REWE board Marcel Haraszti.

Thanks to all sponsors and to the cooperation partner Tafel Austria

The 2024 trade colloquium was once again pleased to receive top-class support. Thanks in particular go to that Austrian Post as the main sponsor and the premium sponsors BioPower, Unzer and Offerist. As part of the trade colloquium and during the reception of the Austrian trade, guests again had the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for a good cause. All proceeds from ticket sales came to the Blackboard Austria to draw attention to the issue of food waste and to support the Tafel in providing food to people affected by poverty.

You can find the complete follow-up report and press photos HERE.

Questions & Contact:

Trade Association
Mag. Gerald kuehberger MA
Press spokesman
+43 (01) 406 22 36 – 77

Mag. Manuel Friedl
Senior Communications Manager
+43 (01) 406 22 36 – 80

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