Top-Speaker bei den Technology Talks Austria

Top-Speaker bei den Technology Talks Austria

The world is undergoing a profound transformation process: digitalization and decarbonization are leading to rapid changes, which of course should also take place in a humane manner. How central the role of research, technology and innovation (RTI) is in this “triple transition” is the focus of the new technology talks, which will take place for the first time in Vienna this year on September 12th and 13th, 2024.

“The goal is for science, business, industry and the public sector to discuss together the importance of RTI for the Triple Transition and to trigger a push towards RTI for a strong business location in Austria,” explains Brigitte Bach, chairwoman of the event board of trustees and spokesperson for AIT -Managing directors. “At the technology discussions, leading international experts meet to discuss current, important topics,” explains Andreas Kugi, Scientific Director of the AIT and Chairman of the Program Advisory Board, with whose support numerous internationally renowned discussants were invited to discuss the various areas the triple transition.

Ecological, digital and humane transformation

After an introductory keynote by Andrea Renda (Center for European Policy Studies) on the topic of “ecological transformation” among others Kurt Satzinger (head of research at voestalpine), Gauri Singh (Deputy Director of the International Renewable Energy Agency / IRENA) and Rosalinde van der Vlies (EU Commission’s Green Planet Initiative) to contribute their perspectives. This session will be presented by the Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler.

The Minister of Economic Affairs is also a top-class representative Martin Kocher presented panel on “digital transformation” – with Alexia Cambon (Co-leader of the AI ​​+ Productivity initiative at Microsoft), George Krause (Board of msg Plaut), Nicole Formica-Schiller (CEO and founder of Pamanicor Health) and Thomas Skordas (Deputy Director General of DG Communications at the European Commission).

In that of the Minister of Science Martin Polaschek presented panel to discuss “humane transformation”. Elizabeth Churchill (Google, professor at MBZUAI from September), Boris de Ruyter (Philips Research), Natascha Kantauer-Gansch (A1) and Markus Scholz (TU Dresden).

Conclusions for the RTI Policy

Building on these substantive debates, implications for RTI policy will be discussed in the technology discussions.

The international level is represented by Tateo Arimoto (Japan Science and Technology Agency), André Loesekrug-Pietri (Direktor der Joint European Disruptive Initiative), Caroline Paunov (OECD), Mirjam Storim (Siemens Research & Innovation Ecosystems), Helmut Schönenberger (TU Munich) and André Loesekrug-Pietri (Joint European Disruptive Initiative).

Dedicate themselves to the European RTI policy Susana Borras (Copenhagen Business School), Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauss (CEO of Fronius), Anna Panagopoulou (European Commission) and Antti Vasara (President of the Finnish Research Center VTT).

Finally, focus on the national RTI policy Thomas Henzinger and Sylvia Schwaag Serger, presenting the recommendations of the new Research Council (FORWIT) for the next federal government. These will come with Horst Bishop (TU Austria), Heinz Faßmann (ÖAW), Georg Knill (Industrial Association) and Karin Tausz (FFG) discussed.

In addition and in depth, there are more than ten workshops, which are organized in a tried and tested manner together with partner organizations from the research and technology scene.

Increasing competitiveness

“Against the background of global developments, it is about developing a resilient economy that must be climate-friendly, efficient and humane. The big challenge is that all of these processes are interwoven and occur at great speed at the same time. And on top of that, we have to make sure that we use these challenges to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the economy and industry in Austria,” says Brigitte Bach.

About Technology Talks Austria 2024
First held in 1983 as part of the European Forum Alpbach, the technology talks will take place in Vienna for the first time this year on September 12th and 13th. The new Technology Talks Austria are organized by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in cooperation with the Federal Ministries for Climate Protection (BMK), Economics (BMAW) and Science (BMBWF) as well as the Industrial Association (IV). Numerous research organizations are involved as partners.

Tickets for the Technology Talks Austria (180 euros; students 90 euros) as well as all details about the program and the speakers below

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