Too small”? ÖVP has no ear for local miners and small farmers

Too small”?  ÖVP has no ear for local miners and small farmers

Not even the ringing of bells could persuade the former farmers’ party ÖVP to engage in dialogue:

However, diverse small and mountain farming is only possible if the bureaucratic burden on small and medium-sized businesses is reduced to a manageable level

LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann

Protested on April 17th the “Austrian Mining and Small Farmers Association VIA CAMPESINA AUSTRIA” in front of the country house to draw attention to the precarious situation of its members. The ÖVP farmers’ party in particular may have misunderstood the term “small” farmers: Governor Stelzer & Co. completely ignored the group and did not address the farmers’ concerns. The MFG was the only political representative to speak to club chairman Manuel Krautgartner.

A sad image of the local political caste: “A group of people who have an important issue come from far away to draw attention to their problems in front of the country house and not a single representative of the state government or the old parties shows up or looks for it Conversation – it couldn’t be more remote. “I’m stunned,” says Manuel Krautgartner, who himself grew up on a small farm.

On April 17th, the “Day of Smallholder Resistance” – the mountain and small farmers spoke up – and there are more than enough good reasons for this: it’s about fair prices, fair incomes and the still lack of recognition for the valuable work , which is provided 365 days a year. We also want to counteract the tendency to encourage ever larger and therefore ever fewer farms. However, diverse small and mountain farming is only possible if the bureaucratic burden on small and medium-sized businesses is reduced to a manageable level: “More farms instead of fewer” is one of the central demands. Vibrant rural areas are also important to the VIA CAMPESINA association – this includes, among other things, the preservation and promotion of rural markets and an end to unfair competition, as promoted by some trade agreements.

In order to draw attention to their concerns, the mountain and small farmers organized a cowbell ringing in front of the country house in Linz – ironically at 5 AFTER 12 to draw attention to the explosive situation. The fact that neither black nor red nor blue nor green could be removed from the country house speaks volumes. “Excessive regulations ensure that small farmers are left behind while large companies become more and more dominant. This must end. It’s crazy that none of the old parties are taking this up,” says Manuel Krautgartner.


The “Austrian Mountain and Small Farmers Association” consists of people who farm their farms organically or conventionally and come from different professional groups, feel connected to rural agriculture and are committed to maintaining environmentally friendly and small-scale agriculture and against the use of genetic engineering. The grassroots farming movement, which has existed since 1974, is organized as a non-partisan association and is part of the global “small farmer movement”. “The Via Campesina” with organizations in 73 countries and 200 million members.

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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