Tomorrow, 9 a.m. – PK Maurer/Pühringer to the government plans for family reunification and to Wiener Schools
Vienna (OTS) –

The Greens invite you to a press conference with Sigi Maurer, deputy. Club chairwoman and educational spokeswoman for the Greens, and Judith Pühringer, top candidate for the Vienna election and chair of the Greens Vienna.

Topic: Government plans for family reunification and Viennese schools

Location: press room of the Greens, Löwelstraße 12, 1010 Vienna, 2nd floor

Time: Thursday, March 27th 2025, 9 a.m.

The representatives: inside the media are cordially invited. We ask for registration at

Aviso: Tomorrow, 9 a.m. – PK Maurer/Pühringer to the government plans for family reunification and to Viennese schools

Datum: 03/27/2025, 9:00 a.m.

Ort: Press room of the Greens

Löwelstrasse 12

1010 Wien


OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | FMB

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