+++ Angelika Sonnek, TQS Research, Consulting presents Wolfsreport +++
+++On the podium: Leona Fux and Madeleine Petrovic +++
+++ Montag 11:00MS-Teams, Online-PK+++
Invitation to the press conference: First big wolf report: This is how Austria really thinks about the wolf
Austria’s first comprehensive wolf report sheds light on the debate about what is probably the most controversial wild animal in the Alpine republic. On behalf of Tierschutz Austria, TQS Research & Consulting examined what Austrians really think about the wolf. The result: surprisingly positive – despite myths and emotional debates.
We therefore invite you to an online press conference on Monday at 11:00 a.m. with all the figures, data and facts about wolves in Austria – at the same time as the start of the Bern Convention, where the reduction of strict wolf protection is currently being voted on.
Wolf is one of the most popular animals in Austria
Only the hedgehog (62%), the fox (51%) and the brown hare (47%) are more popular with Austrians than the wolf. For 42 percent, the wolf is one of their personal favorite animals – a clear sign that the wild animal is much more than just an object of fear.
Myths and fears persist
But the study also shows that many people feel poorly informed. More than half of Austrians (58 percent) say they have little or poor knowledge of the influence of wolves on the ecosystem. These gaps in knowledge contribute to the fact that myths continue to circulate: What these are and what attitudes Austrians have on the topic, we will present this and more at the online press conference.
Teaser: Urban-rural divide: Where the wolf polarizes
Attitude towards wolves also depends on where you live – and whether someone has a pet. More on this at the press conference.
Dear journalists, we warmly invite you to the presentation of the first major wolf report.
The online press conference “The first big wolf report” provides for the first time comprehensive insights into how Austria really feels about wolves.
Am Podium:
- Mag.a Annika Sonnek, Managing Director TQS Research and Consulting
- MMag.a Dr. Madeleine Petrovic, President Animal Protection Austria, Vienna Animal Protection Association
- Leona Fux MSc, Species Conservation– and wolf expert
When: Monday, 11:00 a.m
Ort: MS-Teams, Online press conference
Online press conference link: Join the meeting now
Press conference: First big wolf report: This is how Austria really thinks about the wolf
Austria’s first comprehensive wolf report sheds light on the debate about what is probably the most controversial wild animal in the Alpine republic. On behalf of Tierschutz Austria, TQS Research & Consulting examined what Austrians really think about the wolf. The result: surprisingly positive – despite myths and emotional debates. We therefore invite you to an online press conference on Monday at 11:00 a.m. with all the figures, data and facts about wolves in Austria – at the same time as the start of the Bern Convention, where the reduction of strict wolf protection is currently being voted on.
Datum: December 2, 2024, 11:00 a.m
Art: Press conference
Ort: MS-Teams, Online-PK
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