This black and red pink sugar is a bitter pill for our home

This black and red pink sugar is a bitter pill for our home
Vienna (OTS) –

“Now the oldest of all system coalitions in Austria also officially has its pink support wheels. This black and red pink sugar is a bitter pill for our homeland and for our population, the recipe consists of greed for power, post chess and fear of new elections, that is, our democracy, ”said FPÖ general secretary NABG today. Christian Hafenecker, MA in connection with the approval of the NEOS general assembly on the Pink government participation.

“Anyone who voted for a supposedly ‘new Austria’ in September 2024 and believed in the promise of the change wakes up with a ‘further as before-only bad’ coalition,” said the FPÖ general secretary. The black-red-pink system triangle continues the politics against its own population-keyword EU disadvantage, keyword illegal immigration, keyword warfare, keyword opinion censors-to name just a few examples. Hafeneck also recalled that Meinl-Reisinger had revealed the central principles of his own party, such as the fight against the inflated and non-transparent chamber state. “And that for two ministerial posts and a state secretary, for business cards, stationery, stationery, chauffeurs, galadiners, opening celebrations etc. And you don’t have to be a prophet to know: everything that is under ‘Budget reservation from 2027’ will not exist anyway.”

The FPÖ General Secretary also described the procedure of Beate Meinl-Reisinger in advance of the vote as “Stairwitz first quality”: “As reported today, Meinl-Reisinger, as head of a liberal party, has not only asked the members to call through the members, but also demand protocols on this discussions. This is monitoring and control à la DDR 4.0, ”says Hafenecker.

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | FPK

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