The pardon of Anthony Fauci is part of a global cover-up of the Corona crimes

The preventative pardon of Anthony Fauci by US President Joe Biden shows how consistently the processing of the Corona crisis is being blocked worldwide. Instead of enabling justice, the system protects those responsible – while those who have been harmed worldwide do not have a voice. For the MFG it is clear: This type of “protection” contradicts the principles of transparency and responsibility that the MFG stands for – and must not become the norm.

Blockade of Corona processing – also in Austria

Fauci’s pardon is another symbol of the global denial of responsibility. In Austria we are also experiencing how serious questions about the pandemic are being ignored through alibis and false transparency. The government study “After Corona. Reflections for future crises”, for example, clearly shows that there is a lack of real willingness to take responsibility. Instead, the greatest social and medical disaster of the Second Republic is trivialized as a “learning process”.

“The fact that a medical scandal of this magnitude remains without any real investigation is a slap in the face to all those who suffered from the consequences. The political actors seem to want to mock people with a mixture of ignorance and calculation.”
LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-Deputy.

International Cover-Up: The Fauci Case

Dr. Anthony Fauci is an example of the international failings during the Corona pandemic. Its role in key aspects – such as the origin of the virus and the global vaccination campaign – still raises significant questions:

Virus origin and gain-of-function research:

One of the most serious criticisms concerns Fauci’s role in virus origin research. The theory of a possible laboratory leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was discussed early in the pandemic. However, Fauci and other leading scientists had officially favored the theory of a natural origin of the virus and were actively discrediting alternative hypotheses – this despite Fauci being informed early on about a possible laboratory leak.(i)

What is particularly explosive is that Fauci’s agency (NIAID) has forwarded funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the “EcoHealth Alliance” organization. These funds are also said to have been used for gain-of-function research, in which viruses are specifically modified to increase their transmissibility or danger.(ii) Although Fauci denied this before the US Congress, published documents indicate the opposite.(iii) The lack of transparency regarding these processes raises not only moral but also legal questions.

Vaccination campaign without evidence:

Fauci was one of the driving forces behind the global vaccination campaign, which was implemented under immense government and societal pressure. He repeatedly emphasized the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, even though there was no reliable long-term data at the time. The vaccines initially received only emergency approval worldwide, meaning their long-term effects on the health of those vaccinated were not fully known. This strategy led to a polarization of society: people who did not want to be vaccinated were socially and politically excluded, while state pressure – including mandatory vaccinations – increased massively.

Of particular concern is the handling of reports of serious side effects and deaths related to the vaccines. These cases were often dismissed as isolated cases or ignored, even though numerous databases such as VAERS (USA) and EudraVigilance (EU) documented them. To this day, the victims of these side effects are largely left alone – without adequate compensation and without public recognition of their suffering.

“There are countless victims of the Corona policy – from destroyed livelihoods due to lockdowns to seriously damaged vaccination victims. But instead of giving these people a voice, the political elite protects its own actors like Fauci. This irresponsibility is unacceptable.”
LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

MFG demands: Honest Corona processing now!

The MFG calls for an independent, extra-parliamentary Corona investigation – in Austria and worldwide. No more false transparency and political boycotts! The specific demands are:

  1. Transparency: Complete disclosure of all decisions, data and measures.

  2. Responsibility: Consequences for all politicians and decision-makers who acted grossly negligently or intentionally.

  3. Protection of fundamental rights: No more arbitrary measures such as lockdowns, curfews or mandatory vaccinations – every decision must be based on clear scientific evidence.

“Sham investigations or boycotts of a real investigation are unacceptable. People deserve honesty and reparations. What happened here must never be repeated.”
LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann.




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