The number of absolute poor people is increasing sharply in Upper Austria: 25,000 people are already significantly disadvantaged materially and socially

Linz (OTS) According to Statistics Austria, the number of absolutely poor people in Upper Austria has risen to 25,000 people in just one year. That’s an increase of 150 percent, because 10,000 people were affected by it in 2022. Absolute poverty means that these people cannot participate in the so-called “minimum standard of living”. AK President Andreas Stangl demands: “The state of Upper Austria must finally improve social security and infrastructure, in particular social assistance must be increased and unemployment benefits must be noticeably increased.

A total of 15 percent of Upper Austrians, or 219,000 people, are at risk of poverty or exclusion, including around 59,000 children and young people up to the age of 20. 25,000 people are significantly materially and socially disadvantaged. In general, people who are dependent on social benefits, single parents, people with at least compulsory school leaving qualifications and children are very badly affected.

More than half (56 percent) of the people in Germany who are unemployed all year round are at risk of poverty. Your family income is below the current poverty threshold of 1,572 euros per month for a one-person household. 28 percent of them live in absolute poverty. Social assistance for single people currently amounts to a maximum of 1,155.84 euros per month; the poverty threshold is 1,572 euros per month.

People who meet at least seven of the following 13 characteristics are considered to be significantly materially and socially disadvantaged: The household is not financially able to incur unexpected expenses of 1,370 euros from its own resources, go on vacation once a year, rent , paying utilities or loans on time, eating meat, fish or a comparable vegetarian food every other day, keeping the apartment adequately warm, replacing worn-out furniture or owning a car. It is not financially possible for people aged 16 and over to have a satisfactory internet connection, replace worn-out clothes, have two pairs of shoes that fit, spend a small amount on themselves each week, regularly engage in paid leisure activities, or have friends once a month Meeting family for food/drinks.

This enormous increase in the number of absolute poor is no glory for a federal state as rich as Upper Austria. The country is not doing enough to effectively combat poverty“, says AK President Stangl. He demands: “Social assistance must be increased at least to the poverty threshold. The net replacement rate for unemployment benefits must also be at least 70 percent instead of the current 55. The annual value of social benefits, especially emergency assistance, must be guaranteed and the family allowance must be increased to at least two euros daily“.

Furthermore, the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor is calling for the expansion of the social infrastructure, especially in the areas of child education and care, to finally be pushed forward. Women in particular need to be given greater relief, which would enable them to participate more in the labor market and, as a result, to have better financial and social security in old age.

Questions & Contact:

Chamber of Labor Upper Austria – Communication
Mag. Rainer Brunhofer
+43 (0)50 6906 2185

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