THE.NIGHT: “Welcome Austria” with Rainer Pariasek, Hans Krankl and Herbert Prohaska on November 7th on ORF 1

Afterwards: Start of the 2nd season “DAVE” with David Scheid

Vienna (OTS) This edition of “Welcome Austria” on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, at 10 p.m. on ORF 1 will be a show for the history books, because the three musketeers of Austrian football, Rainer Pariasek, Hans Krankl and Herbert Prohaska, are together for the first time a guest at Stermann and Grissemann. The reason: In their joint book “About Life” – which was recorded by ORF presenter Rainer Pariasek and journalist and author Eric Sebach – the two former professional footballers talk about the joy of being through all phases of life. WÖ external reporter Dave finds out what phase of life he is in at the “Healthy & Wellness Fair” in Tulln. Then at 11 p.m. “DIE.NACHT” continues with “DAVE”: In the start of the second season, Dave settled into cameraman Jan’s apartment, composed a “one-hit wonder” and visited his mother in prison.

“Welcome Austria” with Stermann & Grissemann at 10 p.m

Presenter Rainer Pariasek has been on ORF for more than 25 years. The sports presenter, commentator and host of “Sport am Sonntag” talks to Stermann and Grissemann about his career and the ups and downs of Austrian football. He often stands in front of the camera alongside the ORF football expert, TV analyst and footballer of the century Herbert “Schneckerl” Prohaska, who eventually joins the group together with the legendary Goleador and Radio Vienna “Nachtfalken” Hans Krankl. In addition to the common sport of the heart, “Welcome Austria” is primarily about the book “About Life”, which Hans Krankl and Herbert Prohaska – thanks not least to Rainer Pariasek – show in a profound double conference and with a wink to the new times gives lightness.

Start of the 2nd season: “DAVE” at 11 p.m

After Dave’s apartment was closed by the police, he moved in with Jan. A little too settled, for Jan’s liking, because after just three weeks Dave’s room is sinking into chaos and dirt, it smells of cigarettes and the air conditioning is running with the window open. But Dave nips any discussion about cleaning up in the bud because he has composed a “one-hit wonder” and has to visit his mother in prison.

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