The Lower Austria participation model as a success factor
St. Pölten (ots) –

The Lower Austrian participation model has established itself as a central component of regional economic development. Through the close cooperation between the state of Lower Austria, the Chamber of Commerce in Lower Austria and the leading banks, small and medium -sized companies (SMEs) receive quickly and targeted support in financing their future projects.

Lower Austria already recognized the need for alternative forms of financing in 1993 and was a pioneer throughout Austria with the creation of the Lower Austrian participation model. Since then, 721 participations have been approved, 21 of them in the past year alone.

The model was designed in such a way that it meets the current requirements and the Lower Austrian companies optimally accompanied. The aim is to make a tailor -made funding that, together with the banks, ensures sustainable financing structures for Lower Austrian companies. The processing takes place via the Lower Austrian Bürgagen und Beteiligungs GmbH (NÖBEG), which acts as a reliable partner of the Lower Austrian economy.

“The Lower Austrian participation model is very important for regional business development. Companies of various industries – from the roofer to the confectioner, from construction companies to the catering trade – benefit from this tailor -made financing option, ”emphasizes Governor Johanna Mikl -Leitner. “The provision of funded capital enables the Lower Austrian investments, innovations and sustainable growth. Each sponsored euro triggers investments three times as high. In the past 30 years, an investment volume of more than one billion euros has been made possible, and over 700 projects by domestic companies were realized. ”

“The Lower Austrian participation model is an essential building block to strengthen our companies. Particularly innovative companies benefit from this alternative form of financing and can fully exploit their growth potential, ”emphasizes Wolfgang Ecker, President of the Lower Austria Chamber of Commerce. “One example is the family company Heiss & Süss in Altengbach, which has set the starting shot for a large -scale expansion this year.”

With this participation model, Lower Austria takes on a pioneering role in Austria and secures the economic stability and innovative strength of the region in the long term.

“The participation model shows what successful cooperation can do. It enables strongly innovative companies to fully exploit their potential and support sustainable growth as well as future -oriented projects, ”explain Doris Agneter and Stefan Chalupa, Managing Director of Lower Austria.

More information: Nöbeg, Beatrice Weisgram, Tel.: 0676/830 86310,; Office LH Mikl-Leitner, Andreas Csar, Tel.: 0676/812 12253,

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