The good column: Bring on the opinion driver’s license!

The good column: Bring on the opinion driver’s license!

Have you heard my opinion today?

Photo: datpix/pixabay

I am not sure that in a better future the so-called freedom of expression should not be significantly restricted. For the good of everyone, of course. The term “restricted” gives the wrong impression. Let’s say better: “readjusted”.

If you believe the surveys circulating, 44 percent of Germans are of the opinion that there is currently “no freedom of expression” in Germany. Interestingly, however, these same Germans appear to have the freedom to express their opinions on this matter freely into any microphone that is placed in front of them. In any case, there is clearly no shortage of people in this country who freely trumpet their frustration with the alleged lack of freedom of expression around the clock, and unfortunately not just when asked. So our society actually suffers from an oversupply of opinions, from an overproduction of opinions.

The good column


Thomas Blum fundamentally disagrees with the prevailing so-called reality. He won’t be able to change her for the time being, but he can reprimand her, admonish her or, if necessary, give her a beating. So that the bad begins to retreat. We stand in solidarity with his fight against reality. Therefore, from now on, “The Good Column” will appear here on Mondays. Only the best quality for the best readers! The collected texts can be found at:

The Internet, for example, and especially its comment sections, can be viewed as one gigantic landfill where vast amounts of useless and redundant opinions accumulate. Often these come from people who are not qualified to have an opinion and share it. (Someone like Dieter Nuhr would probably call it a “landfill” and wink meaningfully. (Ecstatic laughter from the studio audience, thunderous applause))

We have the same problem at public meetings: opinions that no one asked for, that no one needs. Above all, opinions that are not based on any knowledge and are not based on any knowledge, but which are presented all the more aggressively and uninhibitedly.

“If you don’t love Germany, you should leave Germany!” As a rule, people who have no fear of expressing such and other nonsense opinions publicly are not ready for freedom of expression and, to put it bluntly, are at a preliminary stage of the current state of civilizational development. Freedom of expression is a gift given to us so that we can use it carefully and responsibly. But let’s face the truth: Not everyone who is given a bone saw and a cleaver becomes a good butcher.

To drive a car in this country you need a driving license and to go fishing you need a fishing license. To become a doctor you need specialist medical training; to become a hairdresser you need a master’s certificate. (In view of the Hitler Youth haircut, which is worn by the majority of the German men’s national soccer team, someone should take a look at the master’s certificate of the person in charge.) But anyone who uses the Internet to inform the public that the earth is flat and Hitler is in it Antarctica lives in a UFO, or tells us with a wagging finger that the free market economy has nothing else in mind than the well-being of people and the creation of eternal paradise on earth, does not need a certificate. He or she doesn’t even have to be able to read or write. It is enough to be a communicative, money-hungry fanatic with an inferiority complex or an FDP official (which is basically the same thing).

The question must therefore be asked: Isn’t the idea of ​​”freedom of expression for all” overrated? Isn’t it an ancient fundamental right that has long since been overtaken by time and has not been reformed for decades and that urgently needs to be revised (readjusted)? A relic from a lost era when people with only modest knowledge kept their mouths shut?

Anyone who wants to express an opinion should be required to purchase a certificate of expression, which they should carry with them and be able to show at any time upon request.

Everyone else who couldn’t qualify should remain silent. Now, of course, I can already hear the hysterical voices that mistakenly suspect that something is going on illegally here. With all due respect: This is nonsense. Anyone who proves that they cannot drive a vehicle will have their driver’s license revoked; Anyone who claims to be able to cure cancer with esoteric mumbo-jumbo or homeopathic antics will have their medical license revoked. And anyone who talks stupidly means nothing.

Anyone who is honest with themselves and others for once knows that anyone who has no idea about politics, history, culture and philosophy needs nor freedom of expression.

Why does a football fan who should be busy drinking beer, hooting and cheering need freedom of expression? Why does someone who feels intellectually overwhelmed while watching “Wheel of Fortune” on RTL 2 feel that they absolutely have to express an opinion?

In any case, one thing is certain: for people like Hubert Aiwanger, for example, acquiring a license to express opinions would be impossible.

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