The first literature contest of the houses to life was a great success

Over 100 contributions from participants from all over Vienna: touching memories, exciting time documents, top -class poetry, humorous stories. There was something of everything. The first literature contest of the houses on life and the pensioner club for the city of Vienna was a complete success!

At the beginning of September 2024, the houses called for life and pensioner clubs for the city of Vienna residents and club members to submit short stories and poems and to submit via Vienna. Numerous submissions arrived within a very short time.

“We didn’t expect such a large echo,” says Simon Bluma, deputy managing director of the houses to life. “I find it incredibly impressive what the wealth of ideas and the wealth of experience in the older generation was documented here.”

The six -member jury, consisting of experienced literary and author as well as experts from the book industry, read all texts carefully and rated them. The original plan to award only three winners of the inner texts was quickly rejected. Due to the numerous high -quality contributions, the jury, chaired by Werner Brunner, the initiator of the Austrian reading day, recognized a total of 17 texts. “We would have preferred to award 100 prizes because every text has a special character,” says Brunner.

The text of the winner is printed in the reading book of the Austrian reading day 2025 in an edition of 10,000 pieces

The three main prizes went to Ingrid Göschl from the Dr.-Josef-Resch-Platz club in Hernals for their memory of the arena cast; To Maria Baumgartner, resident in the Wieden house for her poem “Inner City” and to Karin Petersen, club member in Gymnasiumstrasse in Währing, for her humorous childhood memories from the municipal building.

The winners were honored at the end of February 2025 at a ceremonial awarding of the Wieden House. The well -known actors Susi Stach and Karl Fischer read some of the texts. The numerous audiences published honored the winners, but also all other participants with a thunderous applause.

All winners of the literature contest were printed in a special edition of the senior newspaper of the pensioner club Trara. The booklet can also be viewed online on the website of the pensioner clubs for the city of Vienna.

On the Austrian reading day, March 28, 2025, the winners at four different locations of the houses and the pensioner clubs will be performed again by the prominent actors Susi Stach and Stefano Bernardin as well as by the well-known moderator Barbara Stöckl and the bestseller author Marie-Ther Arnbom. Ingrid Göschl’s text “Arena” is also published in the official reading book of the Austrian reading day in an edition of 10,000 pieces.

The initiative came from the team and from Wieden residents

The literature contest of the houses on life and the pensioner club is an initiative of the management of the house Wieden. The psychologist and writer Traude Ein and the former librarian Christa Demuth, both residents in the Wieden house, worked decisively on the contest and were also part of the jury. “There is a very committed literary group in Haus Wieden. This offer is very well received. We thought, if that is so well received, it could also be well received in all houses for life and in the pensioner clubs,” says Armin Cehic, director in Haus Wieden. Due to the great success, the houses for life and clubs will call for the second literature contest in autumn 2025. Simon Bluma: “I’m looking forward to the stories that will arrive at the next contestes.” The pencils are already being caught in the Vienna-wide literature groups of the pensioners’ clubs!

The Trara special edition of the literature contest with all winners can be found here for free download:

Austrian reading day in the houses for life and pensioners club clubs

On the Austrian reading day, March 28, 2025, the winners at three different locations of the houses and the pensioner clubs will be performed again by the prominent actors Susi Stach and Stefano Bernardin as well as the well-known moderator Barbara Stöckl and the bestselling author Marie-Theres Arnbom.

Datum: 03/28/2025, 2:30 p.m.

Art: Performances/stage

Ort: Houses for life and pensioner clubs for the city of Vienna




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