Spectacular coup for the 40th anniversary: The Barbaro family was the first catering business in Europe sent a real Neapolitan pizza into space! An unprecedented action that writes history and impressively underlines the passion for innovation and tradition. But this mission was anything but simple – months of planning, the latest technology and a precise team of experts were necessary to catapult the most popular pizza from Vienna from the Regina Margherita at an altitude of over 40,000 meters!
A pizza takes off – And with her the culinary history of Barbaros!
With the latest technology, a 48-hour matured, original Neapolitan pizza-occupied with the finest San-Marzano tomato sauce, Fior-di-latte-mozzarella and fresh basil-was attached in a specially developed room probe. This was mounted on a powerful weather balloon and started by a team of experts. The balloon rose to the stratosphere -an extreme height of over 42 km, in the temperatures of up to -60 degrees Celsius! There the pizza floated over the earth before landing safely on Earth after a controlled relegation maneuver.
Why a pizza into space?
The Barbaro family celebrates 40 years of Italian gastronomy in Austria and wanted to set a statement: something extraordinary, unique and challenging – a milestone that shows that enjoyment knows no limits. Barbaro gastronomy has stood for quality, tradition and creative pioneering spirit for four decades. With this mission, she once again demonstrated that she can go beyond the limits of cuisine.
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | BRB